Chapter 2

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{ Jamison }

So this morning I woke up to my roommate and his girlfriend.. Uh well Yeahhh... I rolled over in my bed to see what time it was. I attempt to move all the shit that's sitting on the stand to get to my clock and- ITS 5:30!

Ugh really Sam? Does he even know I live with him? And this freAKING EARLY?!

After about a minute, I decide to leave and go ANYWHERE but here. I search my floor for a pair of jeans which are sitting on the floor and throw on a shirt.

It smells clean enough. I just wanna get out of here

Sam and I usually head to the hall together, but I didn't want to.. Uh interrupt. I usually just eat at the dining hall everyday for almost every meal, but I don't have Sam to go with me.

Shoot. Meh, I'll just go with Ash.

Wait, where's my phone.. SHIT. I left it in Sam's room yesterday when we were playing Xbox. I'll just use my laptop.

Hey Ash, headed to dining hall, you in?

Dude what the hell? I was kinda sleeping. What time is- DuDE ITS FIVE FRICKIN THRITY IN THE MORNING!!?

Well Sam has a girl over and they're not exactly being quiet.

DUDE WTF!? Wait, isn't that like the fifth girl this week??! And uh sure, just let me get ready

K see you there.

(At the Dining Hall)

"So, how loud was Sam's lady friend this time?" Ash asks without any hesitation.

"Shut up, I'm trying to eat," I irritably say as I smack him on the back of his head.

"Ow! Dick. Well ANYWAYS, have you checked out any of the freshman?? Oooh, babe with the legs 3 o'clock."

"No," I reply slightly annoyed now.

"Dude, are you still upset over-"

"No! Why do you always assume it's about her!?"

"Well you never-"

"I'm done eating. I've got some homework to do," I mumble as I see the assignment I scribbled on my hand this morning. I got up and left my plate on the table. My first class isn't until 9:30, so I head to my locker. On my way, someone came running around the corner.

"Ow!" I yell in pain. "Damn it! Probably a stupid freshman," I mumble quietly so they can't hear me.

Thats when I saw her
Sorry for the short chapter, but don't worry;) I've got plenty of ideas. What do you think might happen? Comment below👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

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