Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of music. No, literally the musical "The Sound Of Music." Ava watches it all the time with the volume up almost all the way. It's even worse now with my head pounding. I didn't think I had THAT much to drink. But I guess I did say some things to Jamison.. Someone could've put something in my drink? Ugh, and I gotta head home today. I need to see my grandma, because I promised to visit.

"Hey! Turn that down!" I shout to Ava instantly regretting it as I feel more pain pulse through my head.


Ugh I need to get up and go

I turn over to check my phone for any notifications. Nope, none. Just need to get dressed. I put on a pair of sweats I find on the ground and throw on some shirt. I don't remember EXACTLY what had happened the night before.

I hope I didn't embarrass myself..

I make my way downstairs to get something to eat. When I reach the bottom of the steps, I look up utterly shocked at the sight before me. Bri is making breakfast. She never makes us food. It's always Ava. Right on cue, Ava enters the room and grabs a few things out of the fridge and sets it on the table.

"So I'm making French toast, eggs and bacon if you want any," Bri casually says to me over her shoulder.

What the hell happened?

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" Ava questions. I still can't reply because I'm still in shock.

Ava knows what I'm thinking and chuckles and says, "Yea, I know. Bri really wanted to make breakfast."

"Hey, I can make food too! I just felt like doing it today," Bri argues.

"Ok, what the hell is happening? Did someone die and you're not telling me?" I say.

"Uhh do you not remember what happened last night?" Ava practically whispers slowly coming towards me.


"Calm down, eat and then we'll talk."
"Wait, who stepped in and started wailing on the guy who.. Um.." I ask curiously.

They both look at each other, look at me, and then back at each other.


Ava sighs and says, "Jamison."
I'm currently driving home to visit my grandma. I'm still trying to process everything Ava and Bri told me about last night.

Even after I went off on Jamison, he came for me. If he didn't.. Who knows what that guy would've done.

I drive into town recognizing the lumber yard and cenex knowing I'm getting closer to my Grandma. I pull in front of the big blue house I grew up in. With a big grin on my face, I get out of the car and run to the opened door where my grandma stands.

"Grandma!" I yell.

"Hey baby girl," my grandma coos as she wraps her frail little arms around me. "It's so quiet here without you."

"I miss talking to you everyday," I whisper.

"Me too, Jean." Yup, even my grandma calls me Jean. "Well let's get inside, I have lots of freshly baked cookies and brownies!"

"Yaaas I love you!" I say running inside.

"Sit your ass down girly, I'll bring it to you," she commands. My grandma is really sassy. I find it cute. She puts a plate in front of my piled high with cookies and brownies.

"So tell me all about it. How's college?" Grandma questions.

"It's good. I made a few friends and Oh! I kinda missed all my morning classes the first day, because I injured myself running to class," I laugh at the memory of it.

"Sounds fun! So what'd you do yesterday?"

"Uh well Ava, Bri and I went shopping and then went to our first college party. That's literally all we did. Oh and we ate I guess." I tell my grandma EVERYTHING, but I just can't bring myself to tell her about what happened last night.

"You find yourself a guy yet?" Grandma says wiggling her eyebrows. I swear, she is still a teenager.

"My god, grandma no!" I say laughing. "I just got to college."

"Oh nonsense, lemme tell you a story."

"Is this another story about you and grandpa, cuz boring."

"No, this is about someone else," she says, her eyes lighting up. "I had always known this guy, he was my neighbor. He was my best friend, or what you people call it, my ride or die." I can't help but chuckle at that. "We did everything together. He made me so happy. As we got older, we slowly drifted  apart and stopped talking. That was until junior year. He started talking to me again like we did when we were younger. Before we knew it, we were spending every afternoon together."

"Wait, who was this? Do I know him?" I ask eagerly.

"Just wait Jean. He asked me out the beginning of our senior year. We went out all the time and before it knew it, I had completely fallen in love with him. He told me he wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, but we couldn't. I tried to ask him why but he said he was sorry. He left me with no explanation. I went home that night going over and over what had happened or why he would say that. The next day, I was informed that he had died. He had found out the summer before junior year that he had cancer, which was also around the time he started talking to me again. His mom told me he wanted to spend every second he could with me. His mom had also found a ring in one of his drawers. He truly did love me, and had regretted ever drifting away from me. I wanted to spend my whole life with him."

I sit in shock for a while and snap out of it long enough to say, "Wow. How come you never told me this before?"

"Oh it was a long time ago, but I'm telling you now so you cherish every moment, and realize that things don't last forever. I always wonder what my life would have been like if he hadn't died. I truly thought we were meant to be."

I watch her with sadness in my eyes and say, "I love you Grandma."

"I love you too," she smiles back at me.

"I think I'm gonna head to my room," I say kissing her on top of her head.

"Okay sweetheart," she smiles at me.

Sorry that I haven't posted for a LONG time guys.. Finals was tough:/ ANYWAY, Let me know what your thinking by:
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