Chapter Six:

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Max opens the car door for me and makes a sarcastic motion to jump in, I roll my eyes and push him aside, climbing in with ease. Max tuts and walks around the drivers seat and hops in.

"Looks like you've decided to be designated driver." Ross uttered, hopping in the back seat. Max guffawed at that.

"Ha! You think we're drinking? We're going to a restaurant!" Max was still chuckling as he put the key in the ignition and started the engine.

"They got no booze at this restaurant?" I questioned, giving Max a confused expression.

"Yeah, but we rarely drink anyway- me and Ross anyway..." Max rolled his eyes are Ross in the mirror, Ross was already glued to his phone.

"Put your belt on Ross!" I said, turning around and seeing him without it on. He gave an exhausted exhale and pulled it around him, clipping it in to its slot.

"Do as your mother says!" Max laughed, poking me. Now was my turn to roll my eyes, doing so with a yawn.

"Not funny."

"You still love me."

"Fight me." We had our little back and fourth and laughed. Ross just sighed and put on some anime music, blaring it to shut us up.

We arrived at the restaurant within 20 minutes of leaving, parking next to what I believe was Adam's car, but it being pretty dark now I couldn't really tell and I wasn't really interested enough to do a double take. Ross led the way inside and I followed Max in afterwards, Adam beckoning us over.

Adam sat with his wife Alesa, his son Mason who I had just now met both of for the first time, John, Michael and some of Alesa's friends who's names I never quite cared to remember. We sat down around a table, me making sure I stole a spot beside Max.

"So, R/N. You like working for this idiot?" Alesa questioned. I was sipping some water and began choking with laughter before struggling a painful "he's the boss" much to Adam's disapproval. He hated when I called him that.

"R/N helps make some music and with the actual editing of the content. He's nearly as good at it as I am." Max said proudly, tapping me on the shoulder. I laughed with everyone and drank some more water.

As the evening progressed I found myself becoming less and less comfortable, people who I didn't even know were asking me tonnes of questions, even personal ones.

"So, R/N. I heard you bat for the same team?" Alesa's friend said, swinging her wine glass towards me. Me, Max and Ross were still the only ones sober- well and Alesa and Adam wasn't really drunk. I was eating some spaghetti, and I looked up and around the table for assistance before turning to Michael.

"I don't even know what that means!" I said in a harsh tone, keeping it to a somewhat sarcastic whisper. Michael giggled and eyed his food, scrapping some onto a fork.

"She means you're gay." Michael said bluntly, shoving some food into his mouth. Max was staring down at his food, keeping out of this conversation.

"Uh..." I stuttered, looking back at her. Her friends were giggling and whispering things to her. Finally Alesa stepped in.

"Don't ask him personal things guys! And so what if he is?" Alesa said sternly, rolling her eyes while checking on baby Mason in his buggy beside her.

"You're just saying that because Adams's bi!" Another friend commented. Alesa just sighed and I looked at Adam in confusion. Adam looked up from his food and stared at me, smiling.

"So what if I am?" Adam asked sarcastically. The girls laughed and put their hands up.

"Nothing, nothing." The giggled some more. Ross and John and Michael had pretty much been making small comments the entire time or just enjoying their food. Max was completely silent and didn't take his eyes away from his food.

"What about you, Max? You got any secrets you'd like to share?" A women asked. Max looked up instantly and looked nervous. I sighed, looking at him then at the girl who was snickering.

"So, Adam. I hear we've got some work to do on that real life Do Not Laugh!" I said quickly, ending the conversation. Adam began talking about it and Alesa asking so that kept the girls silent for a few minutes.

By the end of the evening, Ross had gone back to the car and fallen asleep, Adam and Alesa took Mason home and the girls had left. I followed Max to the car, he was still quite silent.

"So... Max... tonight was... eventful..." I said, forcing a small laugh. Max just looked at me and grunted, getting into the car. His playful attitude pretty much gone now. I sighed and jumped in, pulling my belt on and leaning against the window. It was about 11pm and we were exhausted.

We arrived at the apartments and tried to wake Ross, who kept waving us away and telling us to let him sleep.

"Fine! We'll leave you here!" Max said, jumping out of the car and slamming the door. Ross sat up instantly and opened his door, nearly falling flat on his ass as he rolled out.

Max grabbed him and put his arm around his shoulder. "That's what I though. Here buddy." He said, helping him walk up the pavement. I walked around quickly and grabbed his other arm, helping carry him up the stairs.

We reached their door and Max searched his pocket for his keys. He sighed and dropped them as he pulled them out.

"I got him." I said, smiling at Max. He looked at me and sighed, bending over and picking them up and unlocking the door. Ross was stirring now and trying to walk but tripping.

"You're tired, not drunk Ross for crying out loud." Max moaned, leading us to the bedroom. We dropped Ross onto his bed and slowly walked out, Max turning off the light and closing the door.

"It's sweet the way you take care of him." I say, heading for the door.

"He's like my brother. We take care of eachother, no biggie." He explained, breathing heavily and sitting on the couch. I looked at him for a few seconds and headed for the door. "Wanna stay for some coffee?" Max said, pulling himself up and heading for the kitchen kettle.

I shrugged and closed the door, walking over to the couch. Max came and handed me a cup and sat beside me a few minutes later, switching on the tv and putting on an old horror movie.

"This one isn't scary to me any more..." I said. "It's still a good film though." I smiled, drinking my coffee.

"Ross hates them..." Max yawned, placing his coffee on the table and leaning back on the couch. I copied his action moments later and leaned back, yawning. Max looked at me in the corner of his eye and smiled.

"Thanks for helping me earlier." He said placing his left hand on my knee. I smiled and put my hand on his.

"No problem. Like you said: brothers take care of eachother." I smiled, putting my head back.

"I didn't actually say it in those words but..."

"I got the idea." We laughed, closing our eyes as the movie played, our hands still on my knee.

(Author- sorry I won't be updating much this week until like Friday night or Saturday ish- got stuff to do that can't be put off- stay tuned for the next chapter :D)

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