I'm proud of you...

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Sam's POV

After eating dinner, I offered to wash the dishes with my dad. I still hadn't told him about today, I had been able to wear a beanie so he couldn't see my cut. "hey dad?" I asked as I slowly scrubbed the plate in my hands. "yeah kiddo?" He asked as I handed him the plate to dry with the dish cloth. "I got hit today." I said deadpan, he stopped and looked at me, I sighed, pulling off me beanie to reveal the cut on my forehead. "Sam, why didn't you tell me?" he asked with a frown, I shrugged, "it was nothing, besides there is some good news too!" I told him, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. this caused my dad to lightly chuckle a I handed him the last plate. "what is it?" he asked curiously. "I have been offered tutoring by the agents at the BAU..." my dad grinned, placing the plate down he pulled me into a hug. "that's great! so are you gonna go for it?" he asked me, I nodded hesitantly "well, I need permission first." I explained, with that he nodded "I grant you permission." he said in a British accent causing me to go into a fit of hysteric laughter, soon he joined in. "I'm going to call agent Hotchner." I yelled as I walked upstairs to my bedroom and jumped onto my bed and dialed the number from the small card.

"Agent Hotchner speaking?" he answered which made me grin

"Hi agent Hotchner it's Sam Carter, from the profiling school, I hope I wasn't interrupting your work or anything?" I asked biting my lip, I usually did that when I was nervous or unsure about anything.

"It's fine Sam." he told me causing a sigh of relief. "so have you spoke to your parents about the tutoring?" he asked.

"Yeah, and my dad says he's cool with it."

"Okay, well you'll be picked up from school by one of the agents every Tuesday and Friday. are you okay with starting next week?" this caused me to grin.

"That's fine with me. thanks agent Hotchner!" I replied then he said "that's okay. have a good evening."

"You too!" I told him before I hung up the phone and then squealed. "I can't believe it!" I whispered to myself as Joey popped his head around the door "talking to yourself again I see?" I just stuck my tongue out at him like a child causing him to laugh and walk away.

I decided to play my guitar for a bit to relax, I began to strum my guitar and sing 'she will be loved by Maroon 5'

"Beauty queen of only eighteen,
She had some trouble with herself,

He was always there to help her,
She always belonged to someone else,

I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door, I found you so many times but somehow I want more,

I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain, look for the girl with the broken smile and ask her if she wants to stay a while,

she will be loved, and she will be loved,

Tap on my window, knock on my door, I wanna make you feel beautiful."

I stopped there as I turned around to see my dad standing there with a wide grin spread across his face "you have a great voice!" he told me, I laughed as I set my guitar aside, "thanks dad! oh and I called agent Hotchner I start on Tuesday!" my dad nodded and began to walk away but he turned around and said "I'm so proud of you!" then left.

I smiled, I was pretty proud too!

Authors Note

What did you all think? please comment, vote and keep reading!

Sorry for the slow updates but I promise i will update if I get more votes, comments and feedback? GO GO GO!

Anyways, thanks for those who have read so far!

Peace out little profilers 😁

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