Maybe James was on his period

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Sam's POV

Friendships. Some work out well, some just crash and burn. Others stay complicated for a while. Well that's the best way to describe the so called 'friendship' I hold with James...

I didn't understand what I had done wrong, I haven't changed at all due to the training with the Behavioural Analysis Unit, I mean sure I was much busier than usual and missed parts of school but that doesn't mean I'm a different person.

Well maybe James is on his period. That's what Megan once suggested anyway. I don't want to ruin the friendship so if I just let everything cool off maybe things will go back to normal. My mind is constantly spinning and I can't concentrate.

Right now, I'm lying still on my bed. I like my bed. Its very very comfy, so I admit its hard to get out of but who doesn't love their bed?

Nobody is at home at the moment because Dad and Jack went to visit my grandparents again whereas Slacker Boy is nowhere to be seen, probably playing videogames at his friends house. I don't understand why he can't even get off his lazy ass and get a job, I sometimes feel like I'm the older one who has to look out for everyone. I know its hard for Jack, he grew up most of his life without a mom, I feel like its my duty to fulfill the role but in a more sisterly approach.

My grandparents and my aunt Beth have been so supportive over the whole thing, us Carters have to stick together and that's what we will continue to do.

Sometimes I wonder, what is my mom doing right now? Is she even alive? Does she have a cool job? Is she already married again and have a family of her own?

I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts and control my breathing as I blinked back the tears in my eyes.

I won't cry, I'm strong. I thought to myself. "Jeez I'm such a girl." I muttered sarcastically before glancing at my alarm clock. The neon green didgits read that it was only 6 in the evening. My stomach growled, sort of resembling the sound of a whale. "Okay I guess I should eat some food." I spoke my thoughts and stood up to walk out of my bedroom, I glanced in the mirror.

I was currently wearing some old sweatpants and a superman logo shirt, I think it was Joey's but I didn't care. My hair was tied in a messy bun and I looked pretty tired. Shrugging at my reflection, I walked out and jogged down the stairs with my phone in my pocket I went on an adventure for some food.

"Imma find some food, imma eat some food, Sam's gonna make some fooooooood!" I sang as I reached the kitchen.

What to eat, what to eat... I wondered. I opened the first cupboard I came across which had crisps, Nutella, spreads and an old packet of gummy bears that had seen better days. I frowned and moved onto the next cupboard which consisted of rice, spaghetti, pot noodles, spaghetti sauce, tins of soup, tins of tuna and other random savoury food.

Okay so I either cook something and hope I don't burn the house down - that being the healthy option or order a pizza, eat the whole thing and watch Disney movies because I'm so lame and have nothing to do or I could -

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