Battle of the bands gets closer...

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It's been two weeks since James' storage phase. after a week of ignoring us, he finally came to his senses, he said he just needed space and got annoyed of we tried to ask why so I told everyone to drop it, he may let us know in time.

Anyways, i have been at the BAU twice now for tutoring, its been awesome! the agents are really good people, they all get along which is great and they are really good teachers, well I know agent Reid is, he's been the only one who has taught me so far, we get along really well, not just because of our intelligence but he is a really kind and caring guy, he makes me laugh alot and he talks pretty fast yet I still understand him. agent Reid explained how I'm quite like him with the awesome memory and intelligence, which he's had all of his life. it must be really handy to have him on the team!

I can't wait for the battle of the bands tomorrow but I'm kinda nervous, like I always am. music is a big part of my life I guess, I like particular songs whenever I'm in a different mood, I guess it's the same for everyone...

Right now, I'm in Jamie's back yard with the others and we're discussing about tomorrow.

"So what are we performing tomorrow?" James asked, slightly confused.

Megan then grinned "so far it's: love is easy by mcfly, party by Demi lovato which Sam is singing, maybe hert attack if Sam wants to..."
They all looked at me with hopeful eyes, I rolled my eyes. "fine, only if we get through the first round." this cause a wide spread of grins on their faces and they all high fived.

"What else should we perform, I mean there are like five rounds?" Emily asked curiously.

"Oh my gosh! I know!" Blake squealed, James raised an eyebrow at his sudden outburst. "Sam sing catch me by Demi Lovato?! pretty please!"
I shook my head in protest, causing him to pout.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because, I'm singing too much on my own already, I'm not the leader of the band, end of story."

"WHAT?!" they all screeched.

"You are singing it whether you like t or not!" James yelled

"Sam you have to! you have an amazing voice!" exclaimed Emily

"Come on sam!" Jamie shouted

"You have a great voice!" Blake yelled

"We gotta try our best and its a strong song, pretty please? we gotta kick Claire's bands ass!" megan told me wig a mischievous grin.

I put my hands up in surrender "fine, fine."

"Great! now, let's practise party." Jamie told us and we began to go through all of the songs in preparation for tomorrow.

Authors note:

Short chapter again yeah I know sorry! Been quite busy cause of school and stuff😢
I'm not getting any feedback which is worrying me cause all I get is reads and no comments :( is it bad? please be honest and let me know! It means aa lot

And thank you to my new followers😁

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Peace out little profilers😁

Brooke ;) remember to give feedback! really appreciate it :)

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