Spinning Chairs and General Knowledge

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Sam's POV

Morgan picked me up from my house at 9am sharp, just as he said in the text. Today I had training with Reid, I didn't even know what was going on with this whole tutoring thing but its best not to question it.

I was sitting at Reid's desk, waiting for him to return, he said he needed to get some old case files, paper and a pen. I began to spin around in the spinning chair, it was pretty amusing.

"You okay there Sam?" Prentiss asked, raising a brow. I stopped spinning and grinned.

"Yep. This is pretty fun, I wouldn't be surprised I Hotch does this when he's bored in his office." I replied, Prentiss snickered.

"I can assure you I don't." Hotch appeared at Morgan's desk. I raised an eyebrow "I know I would if I were you." Morgan chuckled at my remark and Hotch remained expressionless.

"Where's Reid?" Hotch asked me, I shrugged and began spinning again, "He said he would go and get some old case files, paper and a pen approximately five point three minutes ago." I informed him. 

A few seconds later, Reid returned with a cardboard box in his arms, a pile of paper on top and a pen behind his ear. I stopped spinning and held my head, feeling a little dizzy "Whoa, dizziness." I mumbled, I heard Morgan mutter something under his breath causing Hotch to lightly chuckle. I raised a brow at the agent "What?!" I asked curiously, he stayed expressionless before turning away to walk to his office.

Where are you going?" I called after him, he looked at me and gesture towards his office "To spin in my chair." I stuck my tongue out at him like a five year old before turning to Reid who was organising a mountain load of dusty files onto his desk. Well this looks fun I thought.

"Before we start, you are going to complete a general knowledge quiz." Reid explained as he handed me a piece of paper and the pen which was behind his ear. I nodded before adding the title 'General Knowledge' at the top of the page, Reid raised his eyebrows, "Yes I'm organised." I told him, he simply nodded.

"Okay, first question," he began, "How many letters are in the alphabet?" I choked back a laugh before writing down '26' as the answer.

"How do you say 'my name is Sam and I'm fifteen' in Spanish?" I grinned, he obviously knew I took Spanish as a subject instead of French. I quickly scribbled down 'Me llamo Sam y tengo quince años'

"Now, write down the capital cities of France and Spain." Reid instructed. I sighed before writing Paris and Madrid.

I looked at Morgan who was watching intently, I looked to Reid who was looking at my answers so far. "Okay, what's the point of this?" I asked. Reid sat down in his chair, opposite me, "Its a part of the tutoring." I nodded, still confused.

"Now, what do we call a suspect of murder or of any crime whilst investigating a case and why do we call them that?" Reid asked, I nodded and began to write;

'An 'unsub' otherwise known as 'unknown subject' is the name given to a suspect within an investigation as their identity remains unknown until the profile is completed and more evidence is given'

"Done." I told him, he nodded and we carried on with a few more questions.

James's POV

I was sitting down in my first lesson of the day which was Profiling Class, luckily we were watching old tapes of examples of profiling. For some reason, Sam wasn't here, it confused me, I mean it was her favourite class and I knew she wouldn't intentionally miss it.

I nudged Megan who sat on my right and she gave me a startled expression in return. "Where's Sam?" I asked curiously, she then held a hand up gesturing for me to wait before handing over her white iPhone. I held it under the desk to keep it hidden before reading the message displayed on the screen;

From: Sammmie

Meg, won't be in school for most of the day, have training at the BAU with Reid. Please let the others know. Speak soon,
- Sam xxx

I handed the device over to Megan once I'd finished reading the text. "Do you think she'll be back by lunch?" I asked quietly.

Megan shrugged, "Why don't you text her?" she suggested, I sighed, I hadn't really spoke to Sam since the almost kiss at the park and since then its been pretty awkward.

"Maybe." I mumbled back.

"What do you mean maybe?" Megan whisper-yelled and gave me a questioning look.

I shrugged "Its been awkward." This caused my friend to roll her eyes, "its only awkward cause you are making it awkward."

"Hardly." I scoffed, Megan was about to reply when our teacher gave her an ice cold glare and she sunk back into her seat.


At break, we were all sitting down on the field, except Sam who still hasn't returned from the Behavioural Analysis Unit.

"Sooooo, James," Jamie began to say, I rolled my eyes before looking at him wearing a huge grin on his face.

"We are not having this conversation." I warned him with a stern voice.

"Why not?" Megan asked with her eyebrows knitting together forming a deep frown.

"Because I don't wanna talk about it." I replied with a groan, Emily laughed at Blake's confused expression, "I have no idea what's going on here." he admitted, I patted his shoulder, "Don't worry about it."

"What do you mean, don't worry about it? This is huge, it could have a major impact on everything!" Megan demanded.

"Look, dude, you need to tell Sam how you feel." Jamie told me with a sympathetic smile.

"Whoa wait, you like Sam?" Blake exclaimed with a grin, I shrugged "I- I'm not sure. Look, can we not talk about this? Please?" I begged, my friends sighed and reluctantly agreed.  

What the hell am I gonna do?



Sorry I have been so busy with school and exams and a drama assessment I couldn't update! Thank you so much for the amazing comments and votes!

can't believe this story has 18K :')

in the next few chapters will be more training and something BIG HAPPENS :D

keep reading, voting , commenting and enjoy!

will update soon and that's a promise

peace out profilers

Brooke :)

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