High School Musical 2 and a sudden change...

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James' POV

I'm so happy for Sam getting an opportunity like this! she's one of my best friends so yeah! I feel bad for Sam being hurt but I have been texting and talking to Claire lately and she seems pretty nice...

Suddenly I heard my name being called, it was our teacher Mr Smith who held an amused expression "daydreaming again James?" he asked as the class burst with laughter however I kept a serious face "yes sir. I was daydreaming about my love for music." then Jamie slammed his fist on the table, standing up with an angry impression. silence took over as nobody dared to speak until Jamie suddenly sang:

"What about us? what about everything we've been through?" he sang, everybody grinned.

So I stood up, "well what about trust?" sang back in a high pitch trying to sound like Gabriella.

"You know I never wanted to hurt you!" Jamie sang back placing a hand over his heart. at this point the class were in hysterics including our friends whereas mr smith looked lost!

"What about me?" I sang back then I winked at Sam who laughed harder.

"What am I supposed to do?" Jamie sang back, just before the bell ran indicating it was lunch time.

"I gotta leave for lunch but i'll miss you oooh oh!" I sang back as everyone laughed making their way out of the classroom.

Before myself and my friends left mr smith asked "what song is that from?" he asked curiously. then Sam grinned "High School Musical 2 it's called gotta go my own way. you should listen to it sometime!" She cried as we walked out trying to hold in our laughter, I slung an arm around Jamie's shoulders and said "we gotta go our own way!" Sam laughed along with megan before Blake said "I'm really hungry... LETS EAT!" he yelled before running down the hall with the others following leaving Sam by my side and she grinned, I nodded as she got onto my back and we ran after our crazy friends!

Sam's POV

As we reached the others at our lunch table James placed me down and we sat next to each other. "Aww look its the lovebirds!" Emily cooed and snapped a picture on her phone. "hey!" James protested. "NO JIMMY PROTESTED!" me, megan, Emily and Blake yelled and burst into laughter (one direction fans will understand ;) it's from the X factor video diaries 2010 when Louis was reading a book and suddenly tells "no jimmy protested!" so yeah ;) )

When we stopped laughing, Claire, Monica and Eve walked up to are table with smirks on their glossed lips. "hey loser squad!" Claire greeted us with her usual kindness. "you sound like one of those stupid snobs from tv... oh wait you are one!" Megan growled. I grinned at her, Claire sent me a glare and I felt James tense besides me, I frowned at his sudden mood change. "what do you want claire can't you see we're trying to eat?" I spat. then James finally spoke up "don't speak to her like that." he told me with a firm voice. "what the hell?" Emily muttered claire just smiled bitterly. "thanks babe, i'll see you later after school!" she said and blew him a kiss before her and her bitches walked off laughing. I looked at James with a horrified expression covering my face "what the actual hell was that?" I demanded, he shrugged and ignored the question so I got up and left, ignoring my friends shouts and yells behind me as I felt a warm tear drip down my face. I quickly rubbed it away. I don't want to even know what has gotten into James' mind but whatever it is, it is not good!

Authors Note

Thank you for those who commented and voted! it put a smile on my face :D

What did you think of this chapter? quite a plot twist, eh? why has James fallen for Claire all of a sudden? why is Sam more emotional?

Please leave comments to let me know what you think! sorry for slow updates been busy with school and stuff!

PS: so jealous of you guys in America cause you get criminal minds season 9 now but us in the uk have to wait till January! Is it good??

1 vote and comment for next chapter! of you do now, I will update straight away!


Peace out little profilers 😁

Brooke :)

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