Worth Dying For Chapter Three

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My phone went off at 6:30 Wednesday. I groaned loudly and sat up. Today's the funeral. I slowly swung my legs over the bed and walked to my shower. As I stepped into the warm water I just wanted to stay there forever until I heard a knock on my door.

"Melissa honey. It's time to go." Marsha said sweetly.

"Okay." I whispered getting out of the shower. I walked into my room with a towel wrapped around me tightly. I had to hurry so I pulled on a grey dress that came to my knees.

"Hey." An Irish voice said behind me. I turned around to see Niall.

"Hey." My voice cracked.

"Come here." He said walking toward me with his arms outstretched.

"It's not fair!" I screamed suddenly, catching him off guard.

"Shh. It's okay, princess. I'm here for you." He soothed.

I nodded slowly and turned to grab my shoes. As soon as I put them on Niall took my arm and led me to the white limo.

I always thought my first ride in a limo would be to prom or something, not a funeral. I held my breath for a while.

"Breathe. In and out. Slowly. Deep breaths." Niall whispered. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"We're here." Niall said after a while.

"What?" I asked tiredly.

"Did you sleep last night?" He asked. I shook my head no. Well I did. Just not well. I kept waking up. I can never sleep after deaths. I got snapped out of my thoughts as my family stood in front of me. We all locked hands and walked into the church. The piano was playing and everyone gave sad smiles. I looked down and continued walking. Niall led me to a pew and we sat down silently.

"Good morning everyone. Today we are gathered in the Lords house to remember the short life of young Emily." The preacher said. He continued talking and I stopped listening.

"Now the family may come up." He said and stepped down. I was the first up there and the last to leave.


The 'bed' was light pink with flowers painted on it. I shook my head lightly, instead of taking a seat I walked out the front doors.

Before I got 10 feet away from the door, I fell to my knees in defeat. I lost my whole life now. No parents. No sister. No soul. I cried for what seemed like days and felt a hand fall on my back. I shook my head but couldn't say anything.

"It's okay, dear." A woman said. I turned slowly and embraced my grandma.

"No it's not." I cried. My grandma and I sat there for a while until it was time to go home.

************************************Nialls POV*************************************

I sat alone for the rest of the funeral, I understand. She needs space. Not too much alone time of course. I was relived to find her and a woman sitting outside. "It's over." I whispered. Melissa looked up and more tears filled her eyes.

"Okay. We need to go." The woman spoke softly. I looked down hesitantly. Then back up t see her stumble to the car.

Soon the woman turned around to face me. "Thank you for helping my granddaughter this far in life. I hope her parents don't give her up now that Emily's gone." The lady said sweetly. I just nodded my head and started walking away.

"Don't you want to ride home with us?" The grandma asked. I stopped walking and a smile came on my face.

"I would love to." I spoke deeply.

**************************************One Week Later Melissa's POV************************

Instead of going to the depressing building I call home after school, Niall and I went to a small park. We swung and dragged our feet on the hard dirt.

"Niall." I whispered.

"Yeah?" He asked obviously scared because of my sudden need to talk. Did I mention I barely talk anymore?

"E-Emily told me some stuff before she." I trailed off. I heard Nialls swing squeak as he got off and put an arm around me. "The night. Sh-she said to not cry over someone that's not worth dying for." I paused for a second to breath a breathe I didn't know I was holding. "A-and she told me how much she loved me and how she's gonna miss me." I said as tears streamed down my face and I wrapped my arms around Nialls neck. He rubbed my back slowly.

"I know you're in pain right now. But soon you'll find a rainbow. Even when you need to scream. Just pretend all a dream. It will hurt when you awake. All theses feelings you can't shake. But you you a little rain. And rain is a little pain." Niall whispered. I lifted my head slowly to look up at him. His blue orbs he uses as eyes looked into mine. He smiled a little and leaned in slowly. Our faces were inches apart.


Awwwwwwww! Do you hate me?!?! I love you rainbows!! Oh and that thing Niall whispered. I wrote that. :) pretty amazing? I write songs and poems and there will be references to my songs. I'm deep:) so lovelies I will update more:D love you! VOTE AND COMMENT:)

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