Chapter 11: The secrets

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"Melissa! Melissa wait up!" Niall yelled behind me.

"What?" I asked and turned around.

"What's wrong? This isn't like you." He said out of breath.

"I'm fine I just. I need to get home." I stammered.

"I can drive you. Come on." He said and grabbed my arm.

"Okay. Just let go." I muttered.

"Sweetie are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"No Niall! I'm not okay! I don't remember anything! Everyone knows my life and how I got hurt and I don't!" I screamed and put my face in my hands.

"Melissa. You're okay. Everything's okay." Niall soothed.

I cried on his shoulder for maybe 5 minutes until I looked up at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Niall?" I questioned myself.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Who's Emily?" I finally asked.

"Get in the car." He whispered and took my hand.

As soon as he got in, he started the car and drove off.

"Niall why won't you tell me?" I pleaded as he turned onto my street.

"I can't tell you. It's just not my business to tell you. It's your parents." He whispered the last part.

"But she's someone important! You've been acting weird since I asked about her." I protested.

"Look." He punched the bridge on his nose and sighed. "Ask Marcey and Jeff." He finished.

"Fine." I huffed and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Call me when you get an answer." He breathed heavily.

"Alright." I whispered and ran toward the front door.

As I was on the porch I stopped suddenly and opened the door slightly.

"Mom. Dad?" I yelled as I stepped in slowly.

"Yes?" They both chorused from different parts of the house.

"I. I need to talk to you." I yelled again.

There was some shuffling and dishes clanking together before they both stood I front of me. I studied them both. Marcey had long black hair that went to her sides. Jeff had a defined jaw line that was strong. He had dark brown hair. Marcey was short and Jeff was about 6'3.

"Mom. Dad." I started and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Marcey asked very worried.

"Who's Emily?" I let out.

*********************************************NIALLS POV:******************************

After I dropped off Melissa, I drove around town and ended up at the park that she got hurt at. After I sat there for a while I did something I didn't do in a long time. I dropped to my knees.

"God. Please. Just please help her! Please!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I know you're there! I know you're listening! But please God. Just help her!" He finished and slumped his shoulders low. "Please." He finished.

After a minute his phone rang. He took a look at the caller I.D and saw it was Melissa.

"Hey." He said into the phone.

"Niall. Come get me." She breathed and hung up.

********************************************MELLISAS POV:***************************

"Where did that come from?" Marcey asked.

"My life. What aren't you telling me?" It took everything for me not to scream.

"Melissa. It's too early. We want you to be happy." Jeff stated.

"I'll never be happy! I can't be! Would you be happy if you knew nothing about the past!" I screamed.

"Calm down sweetie. Just sit down. We'll tell you. Everything." Marcey said reluctantly.

"Okay." I whispered and took their hands.

As soon as I was seated they started.

"When you were 8, your parents had a baby girl. Her name was, Emily." Marcey started as the name of the girl hit me. "She's your little sister. But when she was in the womb, something happened causing her to get sick." Marcey paused to take my hand. "She passed away. A few months ago." She looked away from me. "And now you know. Okay. Your little sisters gone. And she's not coming back." Marcey said and tears rolled down her face. I looked up realizing I was doing the same. I remember a different family holding me when she died though. Not this one. I remember her little laugh and the way she jumped on me the evening before she died.

"One more thing." I said.

"Yes?" Jeff asked cautiously.

"Why don't I look like you?" I asked sadly.

"Your parents. They passed away when Emily was little. I was your social worker and now I'm your mom." Marcey said sadly.

"But I remember a man and a woman. They were holding me. When she died. They took care of me. Where are they?" I asked.

"They were your old parents. They gave you back to the shelter. They're having a baby." Marcey smiled at the last part.

"Since they're having a baby they gave me away? Like a dog?" I said and stood up.

"No not like that. You and Emily were older. And sisters. They knew you and the new baby wouldn't get along as well." Jeff said.

"So when you have a baby you'll give me away again? Are you keeping me here for a reason. Do you just feel sorry for me?" I asked and got out my phone to call Niall.

"We can't have kids Melissa. You're our daughter. Our only daughter." Marcey explained.

"Whatever." I said and walked out the front door.

"Melissa! Melissa get back here right now young lady!" Marcey yelled from the doorway. "At least come home before dinner!" She yelled again.

"I will!" I screamed back and heard the door slam shut.

"No I won't." I muttered to myself.

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