Chapter 2--Leaving you behind.

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"Luca!" Tessa yelled. Luca (18), her boyfriend looked at her. He smiled and gave her a kiss.

"Can we talk?" She asked. Luca was a year older than Tessa but her 1st real relationship.

"Sure babe... What's up?" He asked. She smiled as he sat down. She sat on his lap.

"I'm going off to boarding school." She said. Luca pushed her off his lap and stood up,

"What? When? Why? What's going to happen to us?" He shot questions at her. She stood up and sat in the chair.

"I'm going to boarding school today, after this. It's better for me there. I don't know." She answered him. He just stared.

"If you go, it's over." Luca said with anger in his voice. Tessa shuttered at the sound of the angered tone of Luca's voice.

"Okay Luca, than I guess it's over. I'm going." Tessa said. She never talked out towards Luca. She was afraid of Luca and he knew that. He'd use it to his advantage. All the time. But Tessa was done with his shit.

Tessa went home that night and started to pack. She followed the list exactly. Tessa put her favourite shirts, her favourite jeans, 4 pairs of sweatpants, pajamas, sock, underwear, and her bras into the large luggage bag,

"Running away I see." Markus said standing at the door. Tessa turned around to see her brother standing there with a can of root beer in him hand. He slowly moved it to his lips and took a sip.

"I'm not running away. I'm packing. I'm just going to a private school for a while." Tessa responded. Markus smirked. He just kept watching his sister.

"Sure. That sounds legit." Markus said sarcastically. Tessa turned back around and picked up her gloves. She held them in her hand for a moment before clutching them. She put them back on her bed. Markus' mouth flew open. He didn't believe what was happening in front of his eyes, no way was he believing this. Tessa moved from her clothes to her make up. She packed all her makeup into her makeup bag and place it into her luggage bag. She zipped the large bag closed. She opened the small matching bag next. She put a few home items.

"Tessa, don't forget this." Markus handed Tessa a small doll. Tessa put it on the desk. She looked at it for a minute.

"I don't want to take it." She said quietly. The doll was from their father before he left.

"Really?" Mark asked. Tessa nodded and wiped a tear from her eyes. Mark put the doll in her big luggage bag under some of her clothes, if she needed it, she had it. It was important for her too have. She needed it if she was scared and Markus knew she would be at some point.

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