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A/N For @izzy966 thanks for sticking with this story :)

"Well that went well then didn't it?" Jace asked as they strolled back towards Idris, all signs of battle had vanished both sides had disbanded the Shadowhunters returned home and the watchtowers were back to being bland and reflective.

"I know that look Alec, go ahead and say it"

"I'm not going to give you the satisfaction I feel instead I'm going to continue to laugh" Alec replied to his parabati and Jace rolled his eyes whilst his fingers stayed grasped to Clarys.

"Clary control your toddler" Laila added joking with the brood and Jace rolled his eyes again making Clary give him a stern look.

"Yes mother, sorry mother" He muttered earning himself a kiss from her. Izzy dragged behind the group slightly and Laila noticed her slowing up a tad letting the others continue to walk amongst the wilting Yemen flowers.

"Don't worry Isabelle, She's going to be fine. This is Bella were talking about she's been through worse" Laila reassured her.


"No buts now come on I need some alcohol to loosen up"

"Your intolerant though!" Izzy protested and Laila gave a shrug

"Doesn't mean I can't pretend" She gave a wink before touching her on the shoulder saying tag before running off towards the others

"MIND OUT THE WAY" Laila yelled jumping over Jace and Clarys attached arms to avoid Izzy who was slightly quicker than she was and opted to Tag the closest person which was Alec in passing.

"No Backies doodles" She informed him sprinting after Laila all tiredness forgotten

"Hey not fair" Alec protested before tagging Jace and running after the others.

"Well then there were two" Jace commented on their lack of friends

"Nope just you- TAG!" Clary yelled suddenly taking off leaving Jace in the dust.

The game continued for awhile and when they reached the edge of Alicante they remembered to become the sensible adult figures that children would look up to. Dinner was on the table which they all tucked into, Jace stood up raising his glass offering a toast.

"To Bella" He said taking a sip not waiting for the chorus to follow. The table then became a room of silence as they ate.

*Time skip*

"Clary do you think we'll see them again?" Jace asked as he walked her back to Amatis' house.

"Bella and Laila?" She chuckled

"When won't we stop seeing them?" She asked as they had said goodbye to Laila shortly after dinner before Magnus had come to get her much to his anger muttering something about his old age and why she couldn't do what she's told. Bading a goodnight taking Alec on his arm and leaving to New York once again. The rest of them would be following the next day through the portal, Izzy was a little bereaved to not follow them straight away as the lack of technology frustrated her making her retire to her room earlier then usual.

They continued through the streets towards the house hand in hand coming across the odd person who was out on patrol but other than that it was eerily silent.

"I don't think I'm ever going to forget any of this" Jace said pecking Clarys lips and she slipped into the empty house. He started walking back with hands in his pockets trudging along the now deserted paths holding his witchlight infront to illuminate the path slightly. A figure slammed into him making them both fall backwards. He rubbed his head ignoring the cuts that bleed freely grasping the spluttering witchlight up, cursing as he brushed himself down.

"Hi, I'm so sorry I should've been looking where I'm going" He apologised knowing that it wasn't his fault. She stood up cursing as well, they both awkwardly locked eyes both realising. Slowly they held up their signet rings.

"Wait who are you? Why do you have the Herondale ring?" He exclaimed as she ran off- strange.
He tried to adjust to what happened but it was like he knew her but why was she running away- his question was soon answered as a patrol guard stopped clearly annoyed at losing something and suspicious glance fell over him.

"Have you seen anyone running away from the direction?" He demanded and Jace decided to be crafty.

"No, why would I?" He replied clearly thrusting the question to the patrol guard.

"None of your business, Mr get home before you do end up in trouble" He enforced before ignoring Jace's previous comment and running down the path he's just come down.

"You don't like to do as your told do you?" The voice quipped lightly jumping off the roof.

"Says who?" He asked

"Me" She replied and he placed her as familiar but not sure.

"Your intentions clear Mr Jace, your going snooping for answers" She informed him

"Why shouldn't I?" He continued to ask ignoring his body's plea to go back to the house as it began to tingle with standing still for too long.

"I'll be in touch, after all we are siblings" She added with a smirk before vanishing into the dark and he decided to get a move on returning home to the blackness. No one was up or around so he went to the room he shared with Alec falling asleep in his clothes.

He was awoken by the bustling and yelling of everyone preparing to return to their mundane lives no one bothering to wake him up or so he thought until Maryse yelled at him for not being up and dressed and prepared to go. Groaning as he fully realised he had only slept for three hours. Dragging his body out noticing that he was still in clothes that looked Ok- He didn't bother changing. Throwing the two pairs of clothes he had bought with him into his rucksack before venturing downstairs. With no Alec to cook and with Izzys cooking not being an option with him he decided to wait until they got back to New York.

*Time Skip*

Around a day it took the inhabitants for the New York residents to settle back into a routine where Alec had been waiting there with takeaway Food much to Jace's delight and his parents disapproval both of them left pretty soon again one to return to Idris the other on Institute enquiries. Leaving the teens and Max on their own just as they liked it.

Once fed and after refusing to sleep, Jace's mind wandered back to the encounter on the streets as he returned to his room. The note lay on the pillow, how could have someone managed to break in and no one noticed it.

The note read one line and the realisation hit him like a tonne of bricks.

I promised you I'd return it, a Herondale never breaks a promise

A/N Annnnndddd were done here, hope you all enjoyed and I will be writing the prologue. Sorry it took me to upload *Insert Excuse here* but hope you enjoyed and if you want a sequel add a comment here.

Autumn_Grump. :D

Shadows Darkened path:Mortal instrumentsWhere stories live. Discover now