Chapter 21

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Nephilim people weren't battle brave people but were ready to commit to there families survival but Now they were still confused because that little girl wasn't appearing but the consul stood alone.

"We have received information that Bella Morgenstern life has been taken by spy's from the enemy but for her spirit we will carry on, in her name go in peace Nephilim" The consul informed them. Murmurs arose from the crowd as they filed out and began prepping for war.

"Wow that was exceedingly dull, does anyone agree?" The voice piped and Alec turned around and quite literally punched her and Isabelle stepped up and slapped her as well.

"You bitch!" Isabelle shouted

"I know I did hear, Isabelle " She answered willing the blood from her lip.

"Now where's Jace? Did he figure out my riddle?" She asked eagerly

"Bella he went to the woods and why are you soaking wet?" Jem answered and he hugged her and noticing the wet patch on his shirt

"I fell into the Lake"

"Wait the lake that induces nightmares and you cannot tell what's real and what false?" Isabelle asked

"Yeah, Guys I'm if its going to be an issue I will go and get that thing out of my face' she said pushing away the device

"OK, yes he did what happened to Tessa you ask hmm a sleep rune seemed at the time up until now oh well", plans never go to plan"

"My brother is a turd he really thinks I'm gone and now he can crush the Nephilim but he never realised what it took to spark Rebellion, death and Clary's will be next right plan you ask I have one but its crazy and won't work without full cooperation and timing."

"Let's do it" Izzy said eagerly and the rest nodded slowly and Alec shrugged.

"Not you" She pointed at Alec who protested

"I have an errand for you"

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