Chapter 8: Love Buzz

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Cami's POV:

After only being out of San Francisco for a few days, I already felt the drop in temperature as the end of October neared. I mentally cursed for not grabbing a scarf before I left for class in the morning and was forced to brave the early morning chill as I walked from the parking lot to the building where my lecture was always held.

I struggled to wake myself up this morning, since I had been sleeping in while I had been staying with Charli and Caleb. Just the thought that I could still be there with them and the twins had me regretting ever leaving as early as I did. I knew school was important, but seeing them again only made me miss them more and even though I had facetimed Charli and the twins everyday since I'd been back, it wasn't the same as actually seeing them or being there with them.

It sucked coming back to reality, a reality where I knew few people and had absolutely no friends here in San Francisco.  

I had tried to make conversation with the few people I had met, but even if I was in the market for another group of best friends, I had absolutely no time to build any sort of relationship between my accelerated courses and my job at the gallery. I was always busy doing something and thankfully that kept me from feeling too lonely or missing Newport. These circumstances often led to me going to class, suffering through the strenuous and most times boring hours of listening and "learning" and ended with me leaving without so much as uttering a word to anyone. I guess it kept me focused and on top of my long list of responsibilities, but it did get quite repetitive to go through the same schedule for weeks without even a little fun thrown into the mix.

Eloise and I hung out a lot after work and at home, but how much fun could I possibly have with an aunt who was almost ten years older than me? In any case, she was often preoccupied with Ben or the constant set backs at the gallery, which often led to my days being constituted of only work and school.      

Today was a day like that, as I had class all morning and headed to the gallery for the afternoon and evening.


I mentally struggled to pay any attention in either of my morning classes and often found myself drifting to instagram to look if Charli or Caleb had posted any new pictures of the twins. I was left disappointed most times, since I did check back every few minutes, but I somehow managed to get through my day without dying of boredom.  

Thankfully I had gotten myself a steaming cup of coffee before I left campus and got a new sense of energy as I drove to the gallery with the radio on full blast.

Music had never failed at making my day better and today was no exception.

Or so I thought...

When the radio changed into the next song I almost wanted to laugh at the irony of it.

Nirvana's cover of Love Buzz began playing and I couldn't help but feel like I had spoken way  too soon.

The song was one of two that came on the record that Harry had gotten for me for Christmas, before we were even together. I remember how I felt then, thinking that I was really falling for him and that I was absolutely terrified because of it. He had been so sweet that whole day, but I couldn't help but feel like he would hurt me, which he did later that night and again four months ago. 

I had that pegged right from the beginning.

I wanted to change the song before the words even began, but my body wouldn't make a move to do so. I didn't appreciate already being reminded of him after I had only just left, but for some reason I wanted to hear the song. It had been a while and I remembered how I use to feel when listening to it after he had gifted me the record and I wondered if that would change now that things between us had.

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