Chapter 2: Staring and Speechless

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Cami's POV: 

I didn't even need to wait for my alarm to go off to wake me up. I hadn't been able to sleep since I had gotten off the phone with Charli a few hours ago and I already knew it was going to be a rough day because of it. The only thing I had managed to do in that time spent awake was book the first flight available, which didn't even leave until 5pm. 

It looked like I wasn't going to school today.

When I finally decided there was no use in staying in bed to catch some sleep before I needed to get ready, I got up from my bed. Finn jumped up, waking with me and I led him out into the hallway and toward the back door. 

I let him into the backyard and moved to the kitchen to make myself a much needed cup of coffee. By the time I had gotten the milk out of the fridge and a cup set down on the counter, I could hear Finn clawing at the door to be let back inside. Once inside, he simply plopped down on the rug by the door and decided he was in need of a morning nap after staying awake just as long as I had.  

"Must be nice to sleep all day," I chuckled, scratching his head as he sleepily yawned. 

I let him be, grabbing my scalding hot cup of coffee and sitting down at the table with a banana and my cell phone in hand. 

As I sipped on my coffee, I texted Charli, filling her in on my flight details and when she and Caleb should expect to pick me up. I had offered to take a cab, but my best friend wouldn't have it, insisting on taking what would be a long drive during traffic hour. 

The closer I was to going home, the more nervous I knew I would become. It wasn't just the thought of inevitably seeing Harry that had me on edge, it was everything in Newport that I had left behind in hopes of moving on. I knew I would most likely not see my father or Liam, but just the possibility of the things that went on with them being brought up again left me really uneasy. 

"Morning, early bird." Eloise greeted with a smile. 

"Morning," I said, taking the last gulp of my still warm coffee and placing the cup into the sink. "So, Charli called. I'm headed back to Newport for a few days," I announced nervously. 

Eloise knew how hard this was going to be for me. In my months here without Charli, she had become a person I often turned to when I needed to talk and was privy to the situation with Harry, more so than Charli was. 

It hadn't felt right sharing what actually happened with Charli, since she still had Harry in her life because of Caleb. Harry must have felt a similar way because as far as I knew, he didn't reveal what actually went on that night on the beach to either of them. In reality, even he didn't know what really went on with me and Liam, but I had let him think the worst of me in hopes of saving us both. I didn't really know how that was working out for him, but I certainly knew how I still felt. I doubted my  feelings would be disappearing any time soon, despite my constant encouragement from my best friend to give any other guy a shot. In any case, the only person who knew the truth about that horrible night with Liam was him, me and Eloise. Although she admired my decision, I could tell she didn't agree with it if it made me this miserable. 

"Did she have the twins?" she asked excitedly. 

I shook my head. "The doctors say it will be any day now, so I'm leaving tonight." 

Things were silent for a moment, the only sound being Finn's soft breathing. 

"Are you nervous? You'll probably see him, right?" 

I nodded my head, a yes to both questions. 

"Hey," she said, placing a comforting hand on mine. "You're not there to see him. You're going home to see your best friend and meet your godchildren and the rest of it is simply not important." 

Hummingbird | Sequel to Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now