Chapter 23: Dead Weight

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Cami's POV:

I contemplated running back inside before either of us had to say a word, but that would involve facing Eloise, Ben and Will. I knew staying here with Sean a couple feet away was the better option, despite the palpable tension.

Our eyes were locked on each other, but neither of us made any move to speak first. Sean's gaze moved from my eyes to the rest of my body and then stopped at my hands where the bottle of vodka was still resting. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, but even then, all he did was look away and then proceeded to take a large swig from the beer bottle I hadn't noticed in his hand.

I had completely forgot that Sean was even invited and seeing him tonight was far on my list of worries. I felt guilty for the way things had ended between us and also for never getting back to him after Harry had shown up. If anything, that night with Harry only reaffirmed the fact that there was indeed something with him that was missing with Sean, and even if Harry didn't reciprocate those feelings, I couldn't just force myself to be with Sean because of how he felt. Although I only had his best interest and feelings in mind, it didn't make my situation at the moment any less awkward. Knowing I needed a little bit of courage before I finally spoke up, I yanked the bottle pourer off the top of the vodka and swallowed a large gulp, despite the intense burn.

I coughed as the liquid went down my throat and took a few steps closer to Sean.

"Hi," I said, awkwardly.

Instead of a reply, he only smiled, a half hearted and curt smile that one would give to a stranger.

I let out a breath and took another sip straight from the bottle and wanted to gag at the taste that had gotten me sick so many times before. I was able to keep myself from coughing this time and already began to feel a little bit more relaxed.

"Sean, I'm sorry I haven't called you back," I began. "I just didn't know what to say."

He finally looked over at me again and although I could tell he was trying to fight it, his eyes softened and he unconsciously leaned closer to me.

"If I'm being honest, I knew you probably wouldn't call," he said with a sad smirk.

It stung that he expected that from me and that it was obvious that there was a discrepancy in feelings in my relationship with him versus my relationship with Harry.

"I'm that predictable, huh?" I scoffed.

He shook his head. "I just saw the look on your face when I suggested we take some time apart."

"What look was that?" I slurred.

I stumbled slightly as I tried to take another step closer and Sean's grip around my waist was quick to steady me. As his eyes gazed into mine, I remembered why I had given him a chance in the first place. He was kind and perfect in so many ways. I almost wished that I could just try again with him, but I knew it wouldn't be fair to either of us.

Once I was back on my unsteady feet, Sean took a step back and I felt a wall building bigger between us.

"Relief," he finally answered with a shrug. He moved to take another sip of his beer and was surprised and disappointed to find that it was empty. I extended my hand and offered out the bottle of vodka in my hand.

With a silly smile I raised it up to his face and muttered "I'm a good sharer."

Sean chuckled and took the bottle from my hand. "I think you've had enough for tonight," he said.

"More for me," I shrugged, reaching out for it.

Sean pulled it behind his back and turned it upside down, emptying out the rest of the liquid in the bottle. Despite my pout, he threw the now empty bottle into the dumpster a few feet away and didn't budge when I tried to savour the last drop left.

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