Chapter 1: Just One Look

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So, here it is! The first chapter of the Butterfly sequel is here! Please don't forget to comment and vote. Regular Saturday updates starting as of now.


~PART 1~

Cami's Pov:

The late September air was crisp on my skin, as it wasn't quite used to the northern California breeze come fall time. I pulled my jean jacket closer toward my chest with one hand while the other was gripped tightly around the blue leash securing my golden labradoodle, Finn. He was an impulse purchase that luckily turned out to be one of the few things that made me smile day after day. I let him lead the way down the sidewalk, walking through a neighbourhood I never imagined I would call home, with a curly haired dog I never expected to love as much as I did.  The immense way in which my life had changed within the last five months was not lost on me and I fought all the memories that reminded me of how I ended up here. I walked on, appreciating the notion that I had a fresh start where I could be whoever I wanted to be. I was basically a stranger to everyone but the few people I had managed to get to know a little bit in my first few months in San Francisco and that was so comforting.

Surprisingly enough, one of those people ended up being Eloise. I was too proud to admit it to her face, but her insistent calling and encouragement to take this opportunity was the best advice I could have taken after losing him. I hated the fact that I relied on her for a job and a place to live, but after weeks of walking on eggshells around each other at the townhouse we shared, we finally fell into a comfortable relationship as roommates, co-workers and even friends. It would take me a while to accept the whole family idea, since mine had never seemed too reliable, but the way she stepped up and helped me through basically the worst year of my life would never be forgotten. Not only did she constantly tell me good stories and memories of my mother, but she reminded me how much she did in fact love me but just failed at showing it and didn't have a day go by without regretting it. In this time with her, I had not only felt a lightless of getting to know my mother in a way I never could have without Eloise, I got to know how much of an amazing person she was too. She was caring and sarcastic and at times hilariously inappropriate, which were all things that made me appreciate even more what she had done to help me when I was in such a bad place.

When I'd arrived, I was the shell of a person who was broken so badly that only fragments were left standing. It was a compilation of losing my Mom, Dad and him in less than 365 days that had gotten me here, but it had been something I didn't even know I needed to happen to make me stronger and let me share a bond with my aunt that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It wasn't anything major that Eloise had said or done in that time that had made me feel better, it was the constant reassurance that when I did one day wake up and feel a tiny bit better than the day before, that she would be there to make sure I woke up the next day with the same spirit, and that's exactly how I began to pull myself back together.

Now, almost 4 months of me being here, I felt a sense of lightness and peace that I hadn't felt since the days I had spent with the curly haired Brit who I had tried so desperately to forget. I hadn't seen or spoke to him since that night on the beach, but that didn't stop my mind from wandering to the memories we had shared every once and a while. I never spoke of or thought about his name anymore because it brought on too much pain, but I often reminisced back on the way I felt when I was with him and prayed that one day I would find something remotely as beautiful as our love, again.

I shook my thoughts of him out of my head as Finn approached the staircase that led to the three story townhouse I had been living in. I hopped up the stairs after him, opening the door when I had finally caught up.

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