Chapter 22: For Good

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Cami's POV:

I had been looking forward to this day since I had moved to San Francisco and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait for it to be over. The gallery opening was supposed to signify that I had finally done something great while I was here, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself after what Harry had done a couple of days ago. Going over some last minute details with Eloise in the early hours of the morning kept my brain occupied for a short while, but as soon as I had a spare second to think, I was right back to the night Harry had knocked on my door. I still couldn't believe how stupid I had been to think that it was all somehow going to work out for us after that night and I cringed at the thought of how stupid I must look to him now.

I hated him even more now for ruining a day that was meant to be special for me. After all the hard work I had put in and all of the hours I had spent leading up to this night, after making love to me just once, he put my head in a tailspin.

I tried my best to keep busy all day in efforts to hold it together for just one more night. I had barely reacted to his exit compared to how the old Cami would have taken it, but I felt her breaking through and threatening to fall apart. I just needed to get through the opening and then I knew I would have my day where I didn't bother pretending that I was fine.


As much as I was beginning to resent the fact that I had to leave the house tonight, I knew I couldn't hold out on getting ready any longer when I heard Eloise greet Finn after coming home from the hair salon. It was already past five and I was still laying in bed when we were both needed at the gallery promptly by eight.   

I didn't even get a chance to get to my feet before Eloise was marching into my bedroom to check on the progress I had made from before she had left two hours ago.

Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight, sophisticated bun and her hazel eyes were covered in a deep grey eyeshadow with the smallest amount of silver glitter within the inner corner. She took one look at my messy appearance and her glossy lips formed into a straight line.

"Cami!" she scolded. "We have to be there in almost two hours and you're still in your damn pj's?"

I sighed, running my hands through my unstyled hair. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." 

I got to my feet and headed into my bathroom to try and make myself look at least half decent, but I already felt like there was no hope for a good time for me tonight.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what the hell I was supposed to do with myself. I was a mess in every sense of the word. My eyes were puffy and dark from my lack of sleep and my skin was pale and dull. Walking down the stairs felt like it would take too much energy at this point and yet, I was somehow expected to pretty myself up and go to an event.

I had only just come up from splashing my face with some cold water when I saw Eloise's reflection in the mirror next to me. Her face flashed with concern and I hated that she had now become another person who wasted time worrying about me.

"Cami," she began gently.

I held up a hand before letting her go on. "I'll be ready, I promise."

I patted my skin dry with a towel and moved on to brushing my hair as I plugged in my flat iron. As I waited for it to heat up, my aunt's looming presence was still behind me, concern still very evident in her expression.

"If you're not up to coming tonight, Sadie and Oliver can handle things," Eloise mumbled. Her voice was uncertain, as if she wasn't sure she should extend the offer, but I had definitely heard it right.

Hummingbird | Sequel to Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now