what am i gonna do now?

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hey bro bro what ya doin' bro bro?!?!?!?! well i like where i have my story going but would love to hear some ideas thoughts and/or what you think so far!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


***(Eric's pov)

     I couldn't believe it. That bastard went the chicken way out instead of me getting a hold of him!!!!!!! I just can't believe I didn't get to beat him to death for what he did. If I could I would bring him back just so I could slowly and painfully tear him limb from limb!!!!!!! But I need to focus. my poor little angel is standing there staring of into space looking so lost and confused.

     I needed to be there for her. Where would she go now? She could get shipped off to foster care somewhere far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I wouldn't allow it. I would kill who ever tried to get between me and my angel. She would probably be so lost and sad without me. The thought of me being without my angel made me angry. Relax, I thought, I need to relax.

     Looking over i saw my angel fall to her knees. Rushing over I saw that she was starting to sway back and forth. Finally as she started to fall forward I reached her and caught her before she fell. She looked so much paler than usual. I began to panic. What was wrong with my angel? She was just fine until we got inside. What could've happened to make her pass out?

     Just as I thought this I heard sirens down the street. One of rose's friends must have called the police. Standing I picked up Rose and rushed out of the house. She needed to be looked at right away. Maybes somethings wrong with her that the docters over looked. If that was the case then there would be a lot of dead docters and nurses.

     As we reached the curb an ambulance pulled up and people hoped out and took my angel from me rushing her to the back. following I watched as they tied my angel to a gurney. both of her friends hoped in and just as I was about to they stopped me.

     " only two allowed." the paremedic dude said. pulling out a roll of hundreds i put it in his pocket and hoped in.

     " keep the change" i said taking a seat next to Karen.

     And then we were off. not five minuetes later we had pulled up to the hospital and they took my baby in. and once again i was stuck in a fucking hospital waiting room wondering what the hell they were doing and what was wrong with my baby.If they dare hurt her though...

     I'll kill them.

***(Roses pov)

     There it was. Yet again that annoying fucking beeping. I was sick and tired of hearing that noise. I don't give a shit if i'm dead or not i just don't want to hear that noise. It could drive a person to insanaty. I'm pretty sure I'm that person to. But i am curiouse how did I end up in a hospital again. Wasn't i just realesed?

     opening my eye's to, big surprise, a hospital room. rain was pounding on the window in a comforting manner, but other than that it was dead silent. no one was in my room and the door was shut. sitting up i finally noticed it. there on the night stand next to me was by black guitar. i haven;t played it since my thirteenth birthday.

     reaching over i strumed the string's. they were by far off tune. pulling it over to me I started to tune it. god, it's been so long since i have messed with this. finally i had it in tune. it sounded so beautiful with the sound of the rain. pulling it closer to me i started to play. it was amazing. i started to sing too.

Take a photograph,

It'll be the last,

Not a dollar or a crowd could ever keep me here,

I don't have a past

I just have a chance,

Not a family or honest plea remains to say,

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day,

All the world is waiting for the sun.

Is it you I want or just the notion

Of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around?

Safe to say from here,

You're getting closer now,

We are never sad 'cause we are not allowed to be

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day,

All the world is waiting for the sun.

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day,

All the world is waiting for the sun.

To lie here under you,

Is all that I could ever do,

To lie here under you is all,

To lie here under you is all that i could ever do,

To lie here under you is all,

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day,

All the world is waiting for the sun.

Rain, rain go away,

Come again another day,

All the world is waiting for the sun,

All the world is waiting for the sun,

All the world is waiting for the sun.

     i slowly drew it to a close. it made me feel peaceful. but one thought disturbed that piece.

     what am i gonna do now?

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