I love this club!

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     Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! How have you been?!?! Well i still haven't got anyone to advertise there story but the offer is still out there!!!!! Hope you enjoy my story so far!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!!!


***(Rose's pov)

     I hate my life right now soooooo much. no one, and i mean no one, new what to do with me. until they think of some idea i'm stuck in this stupid hospital room with only a few hours vist's from my friends. it was soooooooooooooo boring. i had told my friends about me wanting to change and they had thought it was a great idea. they suprisingly weren't affinded that i didn't want to be like them though.

     they had went out and gotten me some new clothes that werent baggy and hidiouse but wasn't to revealing at all. they had gotten me skinny jeans, t-shirts of all kinds (nightmare before christmas, bless the fall, asking alexandra, and more), and some really cool boots. all my clothes went with my goth theme but didn't make me look depressed. i loved it.

     but even though i liked my new look that didn't mean i was ready to show the world. my friends thought it did though. hence why they were both looking at me with puppy dog eyes holdin a dress to go out to a club. not for alchol since we just turned eighteen but to dance and have fun, or so they say.

     " PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pretty please rose? i swear if you don't like it we can go right away." karen pleaded

     " guys i don't think i want to go out partying. and i know you guys will defiantly get drunk. i don't know how but you will." i said giving them a knowing glance.

     " i swear to god i will get you some more nutter butter's if you go" Megan whispered knowing my weakness for nutter butters.

     " fine but i want my nutter butters tomorrow." i glared at them as they squealed.grabbing my arms they rushed me to the bathroom to change. i was kinda iffy on wearing a dress. i have honsetly never in my life worn one. i was nervouse but i have to admit it looked good and wasn't to slutish. i think i might actualy enjoy tonight.

     grabbing my hand they rushed me to karens car. i was probably going to be the one to drive us home. next thing i knew karen was speeding us out of the hospital parking lot and to the other side of the city. she pulled into a club called 'forever dacing'. the music was thundering even outside in the parking lot. the line streched all the way around the building. 

     following karen and megan i expected them to go to the back of the line but they headed to the doors. the bouncer glanced at us and let us in winking at me with a smile. i smiled back and heard a bunch of curse, complain, and groan at us going in before them. as i walked in i saw everyone was stareing at us. or more like at me. it was very uncomfturable having everyone watching me. following my friends i watched as they went straight to the bar.

     i watched as they flirted with the bartender till he gave them a free drink. he placed one in front of me and winked i smiled back and picked up the drink. taking a sip wouldn't hurt right? taking a drink the alchol burned my throat but soothed my senses. i watched as a young looking women went to the stage and started to sing bloody mary by lady gaga. she kept stareing at me with a beautiful smile.

Love is just a history that they may prove

And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you

When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne

I'm ready for their stones.

I'll dance, dance, dance

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