Bully! Masky! X Bullied! Suicidal! Reader

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(Forgive me for the picture)

He'd always laugh at you. Almost as if he was teasing you. He laughed at you, almost as if he hated you. Almost like you were doing everything wrong. He'd trip you, push you, hit you, knowing him, he'd never apologize. He brakes people like you down until they're nothing but an outcast, someone who people never talk to, Never say hi to, no, they practically glare at you for being an outcast. But you were used to it. You were an outcast since the first day of school that year. The cold hard truth, you, (y/n) (l/n) was suicidal. And, very unpopular. But as people say, "Haters make me famous." You were popular in a bad way.
He was popular. Popular in a good way
A popular person. You always hated popular people. They try to make people think they're so cool. Well, they're wrong. Wrong to think, someone that is trying to be cool,
isn't. Weird people are actually the cool kids.
You went to school. School, somewhere you get bullied the most. "I bet that (y/n)'s dad raped her!" That hurt your feelings. He wasn't alive. He'd never do that. But then again, he would abuse you when you were younger. "I bet he was sorry for her."
They were saying things about your parents. Until one. "She probably doesn't have any parents. I bet they died!" They said cheerfully. You bit the inside of your cheek. They did die. And they were abusive, so it didn't really matter...
He walked up to you and punched your gut, pushing you over.
You hiss in pain as your side that you stitched up, open and blood pours out, You didn't want to go to the doctor. Too dangerous. "She couldn't be suicidal. Could she?" Someone near Masky said. He lifted up your sleeves. Cuts. Scars. Some old, some new. He lifts your head with his index finger, and his thumb. He saw your sad, pained, hurt, embarrassed, expression. You stood up and he watches you walk away, holding your side so it wouldn't bleed out everywhere. Blood seemed to seep out through your shirt slightly, making you feel sticky and very dirty.

*A few weeks later*

Nobody.  All alone. Nobody came to see you.  Absolutely nobody. Not like anyone would care though.
It did get lonely. It was also hard to walk at times. Then eventually, the next day you could go home.  After serval, boring, lonely, long days. At school, the principle called you into his office. It didn't sound exactly like the principal, but you decided to go anyways, for this class was boring and people were whispering about what happened that day. You open the door, the hallway seemingly endless. Someone saw you, then asked if you were okay. You just nodded.  You didn't really want to speak to anyone since what happened that day. They nod, sigh, and then walk away. You walk into the principal's office and he was sitting there looking outside. "Um, you called me here?" He turned around. "Ah, right yes. Welcome back from the hospital." You nod. "You know that Masky fellow was missing you." He walked over to you and leaned next to your ear. He whispered into your ear. "You know, he actually really likes you." You realize you were talking to Masky. "Of course, Masky." You said smiling, shaking your head. "How did you even get the principle out of here?" He shrugged. "I have my ways." He was surprised you knew it was him. "How did you know it was me anyways?" You chuckled. It was obvious. You weren't blind. Only an idjit wouldn't notice.
"Your sideburns." You said. "And your pretty eyes.." You murmur, getting lost in his eyes. "What?" He asks when you said his eyes were pretty. "Oh, nothing.." You shift your gaze to the floor. "I didn't say anything.." You were wearing an (f/c) hoodie.
Something to hide your cuts, scars, and bruises. "I understand your suicidal?" You nervously look around, avoiding his gaze. "Yes, I am actually.." But you weren't scared to say you were suicidal. "You like me." You do an awkward laugh. "No..." You did, you didn't want to say you did, but you did.
He smirks coyly under his mask. "It's kinda obvious that you do like me." You look at him.  You didn't like being under his gaze, it made you feel, nervous... You bit your cheek in annoyance, and also in nervousness. You just wanted to say it. He didn't like you back. Of course, he didn't. It was pressuring under his gaze.
At first, he completely despised you. You liked him, yeah, but he didn't like you back. Really, why would he? You two practically hated each other's guts. And your an outcast. A perfect match. Sure. "(y/n)." You didn't look up at him, instead, you looked down at your feet, rubbing your neck. You still didn't like being in his line of site. You basically wanted to disappear. "I like you too." That's what made you look up at him. "I love you Masky." He looked at you and smiled. "I love you too (y/n)." So, it turns out enemies can like each other.  A new life lesson. Well, at least he didn't hate your guts as you imagined. He was nicer this time than he was before, at least there was not much violence involved. Liking your enemy can have its downsides, but eventually, you can come back to the top whenever you wanted to. You just have to find a way to do that. There is a way for everything. If you know what I mean. You smiled. "Really?" he nodded. "Yes, okay? I do love you." He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you on the lips. You kissed back happily. And that's how it worked. Well. I guess opposites attract. If it's gonna be like that.

(So how was that for writing? This was like crap writing before. I don't even know how to write that well. I need better transitions.  Seriously. I suck at writing. I need to learn. Like, quickly.)

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