(Another) Suicidal! Bully! OC X Suicidal Reader

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(I'm horrible, I know. I'm getting an update done finally. I see you. Just kidding! Also, should I start taking requests? And putting music too? I need some help. Should I? Also, I only do OC X Reader and  Character X Reader. So, er - no. Don't ask for Character X Character or OC X Character. I'll try it, but it doesn't mean that it'll be good. I'm horrible at writing. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy this one. Sorry if you've been waiting for an update. You know, I'm horrible at writing. I hope this is better than I usually do, my friend suggested I do this. As well as my other friend. Whelp, I'm so lazy, but here it is finally.

(F/A) means favorite animal. If you don't have one, favorite thing I guess.

Oh! And if you'd like to find me on discord it's nonexistent_creep #7021 ) 

You sighed after getting punched in the face, again. It seemed to happen to you a lot. But you couldn't really care any more than you did. Which wasn't at all. You felt the pain. But it didn't bother you. Your so-called mother hits you for not eating dinner. You went to sleep, and she rolled her eyes, leaving the room. Your dad was once again, not home at all. So your "mother" hits you and then you feel nothing about it, and go to sleep. 

You gulped nervously, watching the blood drip on the floor, a few drops of it falling in sync. Your tears were also somewhere in the mix too. You look down at your arms and wondered what you were doing. Messing up your skin that was once beautiful? Your birth mother was gone and it was just you, your dad and stepmother. But you were on your own. A guy who always met you at the end of the road, he'd seem to always push and shove people away. Especially you. You sighed, cleaning up the mess, ignoring the small voices in your head telling you to kill yourself. You didn't want to die, but you wanted to be in pain. No way you were just gonna die in vain just from suicide. You turned on the shower and begun to get ready for the hell that was also known as school. You stepped in, already being barren. You look down and began to put soap in your hair. You quickly massage your scalp, rinsing it off the exact same way. (If it hasn't been mentioned yet, you are anorexic in this one shot.) You yawned, being tired as usual. It was the type of tired that sleep wouldn't fix.  You got out of the shower and out onto the carpet that laid on the floor so you wouldn't die. You grabbed the towel-oblivious to the itching sensation on your skin, the one that made you want to cut more. 

You mentally cursed yourself and trotted along. You also had to go to school that day, you didn't want to actually go. Especially since the guy you had met at the corner was going to be there too. He had asked you rudely if you had any lunch money. And then he punched you in the ribs. You were actually still in pain since that day. You didn't tell anyone you probably had a broken rib. They really wouldn't care anyway.                                                                                                                         You see the guy you met staring at you through the window. You flip him off and shut the curtain. He was a real damn stalker, that's for sure.                                                                                                                You sighed, sitting on your bed after you had gotten dressed.  You really dreaded the fact you had to go to school, after the months you had off. You slipped on your shoes and shoved your phone into your pocket. You, of course, did not forget to put your sweater on before leaving.       You really never did get the name of the guy you had met, but you did hear people call him Mel. Mel seemed too plain for him, but he didn't seem to care. He basically shoved every girl who liked him away. Guys were envious of him. They didn't know how he did it. Nobody even knew what he looked like that well. His touch seemed to make everyone forget who he was. But not you. He always wore skeletal gloves, only his fingers were shown. They were filled with cuts. And he always was wearing brass knuckles. He wore a hat and kept his hood up at all times. Like he didn't want anyone to know who he was. Every time he pushed you, it sent shivers down your spine, and you wanted more of his touch. But you never did imagine that. You, loving your own bully. You groaned and picked up your backpack. "I fucking hate everything." You muttered to yourself, seeing your "mother" at the table. You ignore her and walk away. You close the door behind you, and jog to the curb of the street and walked to school. You feel the glares of other humans. You hear the whispers and you feel the wisps of your breath blow into your face. Oddly enough, it looked like it was about to rain. Unfortunate for you, you had to walk in it. You see Mel drive by and you ignored him completely. He wolf-whistled at you, and you glared at him. You walk up to his car, his sunglasses covering his eyes perfectly. He smirked. "You're a fucking asshole, I hate you so much." He shrugged. "Isn't that too bad now sugar?" He asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "I don't know. You tell me." You said, crossing your arms. "Get in this car." He said, seeming to glare at you. Bipolar he was. You rolled your eyes. "No." He frowned. He certainly did not being rejected. "Please, just get in the damn car." You sighed dejectedly. "Fine. Only because you said please." He actually felt bad because he literally forced you to get in.  He drove you to school, tapping on the steering wheel again. He turns on the radio playing some Hollywood Undead. He bobbed his head to it, and he turned it down to talk to you. 

"I uh... Listen, I really like you." He muttered. He looked away, not wanting to meet your gaze. He really was a chicken. He held out a necklace, blushing. It had an (f/a) on it. You gently took it out of his hands. "D-do you want me to help you with it?" He asks quietly. You smile and nod. He stops the car, and he helps you put it on. He bit his lip, and he drove his car a bit more and stopped it in the forest. "Can I show you something?" He asked shyly. You nod. He slipped his hood off, taking off his glasses. He had spiky black hair and green eyes. One eye was a very light hazy blue. "Can you see through that eye?" You asked, and he nods. "Mel?" You whisper. "Yes, love?" He whispers, playing with your hair. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you more." And he kissed you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. He brought you to his lap, and you kissed him back. 

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