Bully! Ticci Toby X Bullied! Suicidal! Reader

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(Very different mostly) 

Everyone's gaze was set on you. You gulped nervously and ran a hand through your hair. You had taken a deep breath, trying not to have a panic attack as you walked over to the front of the school. Everyone was watching. One wrong move and this wouldn't go well. You wiped your eyes and stood in front of the people. 

You began to speak. "Hello everyone, I'm (y/n). I came to this stage, not for attention or popularity. But, to make this school a better place." You hear silence and you took another breath, calming down. Someone familiar, cocky, sarcastic took your place being silly and everyone clapped and laughed. You walked away, trying your hardest not to have a panic attack. You didn't have any friends to comfort you. You sat in the corner, pounding at your head at how stupid you were. You pulled your hair and sobbed. 

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" You murmured to yourself. 

"You can't do anything right!" You abruptly stood up, not wanting to be there anymore. 

You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself, looking for a razor in your backpack. You pounded your fist on the counter and finally found it. You sigh and looked around. You slit your wrist and looked at the blood pouring down your arm. You hear someone come in the room and quickly put on a band-aid, almost falling. You sobbed and wet your hands pouring the water on your face, wiping the water from your face. You looked who it was. "Toby..." You nodded, not looking him directly in the eyes. You avoided his eyes and looked down. You quickly pushed past him. He didn't dare touch you. He mentally bullied you. It was quite possible. You shakily ran a hand through your hair again. You were not exactly sure to do since you were left behind. You always got left behind, no matter what you did, you somehow always got left behind. You sobbed as you sat down on the steps of the school, rain pouring down on you. You wrote your depressing thoughts down on a piece of notebook paper, it not getting with rain, but with tears. As a sob racked your body, a soothing, ticking hand rubbing your back. Your eyes widen and you looked to your side. It was Toby. You wanted to push him away. 

But then, you also wanted to hug him. You sobbed and handed the paper to Toby looking at you shoes, then back to him. He looked you in the eyes, ticking. You pulled up his mouth guard and kissed him and pulled back quickly. "Sorry..." He frowned. And he smiled again, grabbing your hand. You looked at him and he kissed you. He pulled back and ticked again. "I-I'm sorry (y/n)." He paused to tick for a second. "It's okay I guess." You murmured, your hair covering your face, rain pouring around the both of you now. Tob put his jacket on you and you looked at him. "Oh, you don't have to give me your jacket." You muttered quietly. He shook his head ticking again. "N-no it's okay." Sometimes an asshole can be the not-so asshole. You look at your feet again, smiling sadly. You look back to Toby and he didn't seem to pay attention. He looked into your eyes, he seemed to tick repeatedly, calming down after a few seconds. "Toby?" You asked quietly, him shaking his head looking at you. "Y-yeah (y/n)?" He asked signaling he was paying attention. 

"I love you, Toby."

He sighed. Nobody ever told him that before.

"I-"He paused to tick. 

"I love you t-too." 

You both stood up and began to walk. You both walked to your house and you bided Toby a goodbye. He shook his head and followed you inside, texting his mother he was staying at a friends house. Who wasn't actually just a friend anymore? You weren't sure. 

"(y/n) W-will you go out with m-me?" He asked, ticking occasionally. 

You smiled. "Of course I will," You paused for a moment.

"I love you." He smiled. 

"I love you too."

You walked to the room, Toby following behind you. You slipped his goggles off of his head onto yours, kissing him on the cheek lightly and laid down with him, holding his hand a facing him, breathing in his scent of mint and pine tree. In which, it was a delightful smell. He rested his face in the valley your neck and sighed. His jacket was fairly dirty, there was some dust on the sleeve. You dusted it off looking at Toby. You kissed him lightly on the chin and buried your face into his chest, he was cold, but not too cold, a comforting cool. And you were happy with being with the ticking boy, even after what he had done. 

"Goodnight Toby." He smiled, ticking.

"N-night (y/n)."


There you go, an update for you lovely reader. There will be an update, hopefully again soon, getting this out to you now since there is a test on Wednesday. I really hope you all enjoy and have a nice day/night/evening. That's all, for now, see you all again soon. 

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