Bully! Sans X Bullied! Suicidal! Reader

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(Thanks for the request friend! I'll make sure it'll be good. Even though I suck at writing, I'll try to make it as good as possible.
Also, quick note: It's above ground, not underground.)

You watched as Sans talked to his brother Papyrus. Sans chuckled and Papyrus nagged about him making puns and walked away; while Sans watched him go. You looked away and you hear footfalls behind you. You knew exactly who it was. "So, rumor has it, you like me?" You looked back at Sand nervously. "N-no." You mumbled, looking away from him again. He laughed. "I don't like you anyways." He knew it crushed both you and him, he just didn't want to admit he cared for you, and didn't want anything to happen to you. "That's cool I guess..." You muttered, walking away from him. You began to pick at your sleeves, arms feeling very itchy. You walked into the bathroom after a few girls walked out. You set your backpack down and looked into the mirror. You scowled slightly, and began turned to rummage through your bag. You hear the quiet humming of a familiar skeleton, and so you stood there as quiet as possible, and found the thing you were looking for. A razor. You had refrained from using it for quite a while, but then you found a new method, rubber bands. But you in fact did not have a single rubber band on you. The one you had been using before broke. Though, you did still have the red marks from the rubber band.
You hear absolute silence, the only sound being your quiet sniffling.
You let out a sob, and stood up.
You tripped over your backpack and you cursed loudly.
You throw your backpack on, and tug your sleeves over your arms.
And you let out a sigh.
You wander out of the bathroom, and you arrive at the doors to leave the program.
You could get arrested, but, you didn't really care anymore.
You were going to die soon anyways.
You hear some footfalls behind you, and you looked back, seeing nothing.
You push open the door and head out.
It was pouring rain, so it felt like icicles on your skin.
The cool air blows your already wet hair back, and you hear humming again.
You stuff your hands into your pockets, your teeth chattering faintly.
You feel cold shivers go throughout your entire body.
You end up at the bus stop, and you hear loud laughing. You wished you were happy like everyone else was, but trying was merely impossible. You throw your hood up, and step into the bus, paying with the little bit of money you had with you.
You had stopped, finally arriving at your apartment.
Since that's all you had.
Your parents were long gone. You didn't know where they could have gone or what could've happened to them.
You get into your house, and you lock the door behind you.
As soon as you take one step, you break down crying.

You hear a knock on the door, so you quickly compose yourself — getting up, not wanting to deal with anyone, you answer the door.
And who you suspected, it was Sans. You get the sudden urge to yell at him, but you just decided to refrain from doing anything stupid. "Sans." You muttered angrily. You just didn't want to see him ever again, so you slam the door, and walked away from it. You go into the bathroom, and take a quick shower, and you look at yourself in the mirror. You had made it through another day in hell. Sans made your life even more hellish, if that were possible. He pushed you all the way down, past the floor. Metaphorically speaking.
He made you feel like you didn't want to live anymore. All because of a damn skeleton that wouldn't leave you alone. One that bullied you just because he liked you. Though, you never thought of the skeleton liking you. It was a possibility, though. Boys only bully girls because they like them. You could say it's a human and monster thing.
After scowling at yourself in the mirror, you began to look for a rubber band. It was your way of punishing yourself for all the things you did, said, or thought. You find a (f/c) rubber band, and it fit perfectly against your wrist. You sighed, and walked into your room, seeing nothing wrong with anything in your room, you put on some clothes, and you laid down, and went to sleep.
The next morning went by like a breeze.
Sans had caught up to you though. He didn't know you were suicidal, but he did know that you were poor now. You opened your locker, and Sans leaned on the one next to yours. You looked over at him, wondering what he was even doing close to you. You pretend to put stuff away, when in reality you were actually snapping the rubber band on your arm. You pulled out a book and you shoved your locker closed. "What do you need Sans?" You croaked out, almost crying. You didn't know why you  were acting the way you were. You ran off, and ignored people's gazes. You shuffle into class and sit down all the way in the back, forgetting Sans sits right in front of you. Sans lazily sat down, and you put your head down, sobbing quietly, making sure nobody heard. Sand leans back, and he kisses your head. You looked up at him, trying to rub tears away and he (somehow) kisses you. You let a sniffle out, few tears still falling. He wiped them away, a small tired smile on his face. "You know... I'm sorry..." He murmured, his deep throaty voice muttered. Though, he was older, he could be childish if he wanted to be. "I-I love you kiddo." It managed to stumble out of his mouth. "I love you too Sans..."

(I got it done, it took me ages. Ages. Don't worry, I'll get the rest done. Hopefully. Okay? I'm not that lazy. Okay, maybe I am. I'm only lazy every day, that doesn't mean I'm always lazy. Uh, I don't know. I'm gonna go. Hope you enjoyed I guess. Hehe.)

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