Bully! Enderlox X Bullied! Reader

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You hear laughing, and some boy (enderlox) tripped you. You grunt as you fell. You open your eyes and they kicked you in the forehead making you pass out. A few minutes later you wake up. Well, it at least felt like a few minutes. You were still in the same place. You check the time. It was 1:29 in the afternoon. A minute till class time. You stood up and looked around. Enderlox was nowhere to be seen.. You cough up some blood and you wipe your mouth. You make a happy face to a teacher who walked by. They smiled back. You frowned as they walk away. You wipe a tear then laugh. You laughed till you started to cry again. You see Enderlox walk past. "You don't understand Enderlox, do you?" You whisper quietly, but he heard. He looks back at you. "What?" You sigh. "You heard me." He grabs you by the front of your hoodie. "Say it one more time." You roll your eyes. "You don't understand." He throws you to the ground. "I think I understand perfectly fine." He growled rudely and walked away. You sigh and walked away. You made it home. "And I suppose, I have nothing better to do dad." Your dad slapped you across the face and pulled your hair and made you go into his room. He pulled off his pants. You growl and push him away. As he fell, you ran to your room, slammed the door shut and started packing things quickly. You got up and locked the door and you hear him start to bang on the door. You quickly put your money in your pocket and you unlocked and opened the window. You hear your father break down the door. You quickly jump down and you yelp in pain, but run away. You didn't dare turn back. You gasp as you tripped over a root of a tree. You quickly stood up and walked away. You slightly limped. You heard someone call out your name. You look around for a second, wondering what kind of person would actually call out your name. It was Enderlox. "Enderlox?" You say scowling slightly, he smiles sheepishly. "The one and only." You roll your eyes. "What do you want? You think I deserve a worse punishment than earlier? You literally kicked me in the forehead," You shook your head. "I'm sure there's a bruise." He frowned.
"I did it because I didn't want to see you hurt by someone else." You laugh.
"You already hurt me, why wouldn't anyone else try to hurt me?" He sighs. "Please-" You cut him off.
"Listen. I know, you did it because you love me," His eyes widen in surprise. That was true but, he wondered what you were going to say. "but, I don't love you like I did yesterday."
A cliché My Chemical Romance song reference. (and not dissing on My Chemical Romance) "Wait what do you mean?" You shook your head. "No, forget I said anything..." He frowns. "(y/n) wait-" But you were already walking away. He bit his lip in thought. Should he stay? Or should he run after you? Tears slightly made his cheeks damp as he tried to think of what to do. "Please." You turn back, only to fall over a cliff. His eyes widen. He quickly ran over and jumped, spreading his wings out. He pulled his wings in a bit, and he dove down to save you.

You closed your eyes, thinking you were going to fall to your absolute death. But, Enderlox saved you. "Enderlox?" You shook your head. "I didn't even think you'd save me. I'm quite a repulsive human in fact." He chuckles. "No, I love you in fact." You frown. "Why do you love me?" You laugh. "Why would you even care for a person like me?" He shook his head. You started crying. "I don't know why your even paying attention to me." You smile. "Don't you love the feeling of being insane, Enderlox?" He shook his head. "Not all the time, but (y/n). Please. Forgive me, and forget about what happened." You sniffle. "I don't think I can." He let a tear streak down his face. "Please. I'm actually begging you." You chuckled. "Well, looks like you'd have to keep trying then." He frowned. "Come on." You shook your head. "No." He sighs. "Why not?" You choke down a sob. "Because, you lied to me. You betrayed me. You left me." He shook his head. "It was a one time thing okay?" You shook your head. "You said we'd be friends forever." He laughed. "We were 7 years old." You nod. "It was fun being Seven though, wasn't it?" He sighs, "yeah, it was fun." You smile. "I miss us, being friends. Don't you?" You ask, waiting for him to respond. He nods. "Yeah, people change though.." He murmured, turning away from your gaze. You shakily sigh. "I-I must be getting back now, m-my dad is probably gonna kill me when I get home." He grabs your arm, you bit your tounge to prevent yourself from hissing in pain. "Wait." You stood there, also in pain. You turn to face him. "What is it?" You asked,  a twinge of curiosity laced in your voice. "Are you abused?"

Your curiosity gone, you frown. "Yes, I am." You turned around and began walking. "I can help you." He spoke, and you spun on your heels to face him. "Really?" He nods. "Listen, I love you too (y/n)." You tilt your head and you smile. "Why?" You were curious. "I only bullied you to show I loved you." You chuckle. "Well, a painful way of showing it though." He frowns. "What? You were scared to admit you loved me?" You say, slightly aggravated. "You didn't want to admit that you liked me, so you acted like you hated my guts, and you went spreading rumours." You frown. "I didn't know you were that low." You shook your head.
"I should've died. Why didn't you let me die?" He looked away, clenching his fist and jaw. "Listen, I like you more than a friend, okay? I didn't want to see you die. I wanted to tell you how much I love you." You sigh. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He sighed also. "I was afraid." You frown. "Well.." He looks up. "Well what?" You kissed him on the lips. "I love you too." He put his hands on your waist. He smirks. "Then why didn't you say so?" You smile. "Because, I let you talk first." He shook his head. He moved his head to yours, his forehead on yours, your hands on his chest, your forehead on his. He murmured, "you can't imagine how much I was afraid, stressing about you not loving me." You chuckled. "Well, I don't see any grey hairs, so it probably wasn't that bad."

He laughed, his warm breath fanning your face. You smile and kiss him again. He kisses back this time, your hands moving to the back of his neck. His arms were now encircling your waist, you slightly rubbing against him. He glared at you playfully.

All the things that change in a few minutes. Or, perhaps, a few hours.

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