Bully! Eyeless Jack X Bullied! Abused! Suicidal! Reader

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(I was unsure if I should've called Eyeless Jack EJ or Jack so I went with Eyeless Jack).

Eyeless Jack shoved you out of his way because his locker was above yours. You sigh and grab your stuff, closing the locker once you had everything. Eyeless Jack was the smartest one in your class and he was nice to everyone except for you, ironically. You sigh as he pushed you, your things falling out of your hands. You rolled your eyes, picking everything up.  You sigh as people walked by, laughing at you. Nobody had dared to help you. Some walked past you, some pointed at you, some even had kicked your stuff away from you. You flinched as someone kicked one of your books into your face. It was Eyeless Jack. You quickly stumbled to pick up your things, not caring if tears stung in the corner of your eyes. You wiped your eyes and quickly stumbled to get up, making a mad dash away from the attention. 

"What a show that was!" Laughing Jack said, leaning against a locker near Eyeless Jack as he closed the locker. Eyeless Jack huffed at his friend as he followed closely behind. "What class do you have next? I have Geometry." Eyeless Jack showed the schedule to Laughing Jack and Laughing Jack had squinted to see it. "Oh, you have Reading class next." Eyeless Jack sighed. You had that class. "But, on the bright side, you have Art with me next." Laughing Jack heard the late bell and scrambled to his next class. Eyeless Jack jogged over to Reading class. He sat down, right behind you. You don't dare to look at him. You started to draw, remembering you had Art next because your classes got mixed up with your sister who had moved classes which was a very strange thing to do. You rolled your eyes at people who were talking. You had never liked this class.

Eyeless Jack threw a paper at you as the teacher dismissed the class for the next. She didn't seem to notice a single thing. Perhaps, she was blind. You shook your head at the thought and threw the paper in the trash sighing. You headed to art and Laughing Jack was laughing at Eyeless Jack as he didn't expect you to be in this class. You sat down all the way in the back, doodling as the teacher walked in explaining what the class was to do. You had listened carefully as Laughing Jack struck a conversation with the silent boy. You looked up as the teacher handed you Copic markers. It was only 6 colors Dark Blue, Brown, Light Grey, Medium Grey, and Black. You drew (Picture Above). You shook your head at what you had drawn. You stood up and showed the teacher and she laughed, sending you back to your seat. You were embarrassed now. You handed the markers to the teacher, sighing. You sat down again, putting your head in your hands blowing hair out of your face. 

Soon, it was finally time to go to your beloved home. Hah, must be a joke. You run a hand through your hair, glancing side to side, and you picked up your bag, walking out of the classroom. What a lovely day. You rolled your eyes again, possibly, they'd fall out of your head someday. You shiver at the thought. You sluggishly walk home and as soon as you walk through the door, "hello bitch." your father growled at you. Your stepfather rolled his eyes and your mom stood there, smirking. Here it comes. "Did you not stand up for yourself again at school." you nervously shook your head 'no' still knowing you were going to get consequences even if you said yes. "Well, that's too bad..." My mom muttered, glaring at you. They kicked, punched, you were lucky you were still fully clothed. They shoved you to the ground, leaving you a bloody mess. There was a knock on the door, and you shakily stood up.

You opened the door.

There he stood.

Eyeless Jack.

You tilted my head in confusion. "Eyeless Jack? What are you doing here?" He held the paper out to you.

It was the drawing of him.

You had forgotten it.


He hugged me. You sobbed. "Why?"

You ask him. He looked down sadly. 

And he shrugged. 

I frowned. "I'm sorry..." He muttered. He looked back up to you.

"Eyeless Jack..." 

You hugged him back. "I love you." He lifted his mask up and he kissed you.

You close your eyes and kiss him back. You hear your parents and you look at him solemnly. He saw a bruise on your face and caressed your cheek with his thumb. "Who did this to you?" He asked quietly. "My parents." You murmured quietly, hearing their footsteps cascade down the stairs. "You need to go..." You said frowning. He shook his head and walked into the room. "Eyeless Jack what are you doing?" You asked, curiously following him as you saw something shiny in his hand. "Stay here, please. Alright?" He murmured, kissing your forehead quickly. "Oh, okay I'll just wait here." You sat down on the couch and you hear yelling and cursing and then it went quiet. You were utterly curious. You pounced up onto your feet and began to walk out of the living room, straight into a chest. "Eyeless Jack, what did you do?" He sheepishly rubbed his neck and you sighed, and also yawned. You stretched, your hoodie sleeves falling down. He had noticed a scar. Or maybe more than one scar. The word useless etched into your skin. You looked down at it. Unsure of what to say. You look back at Eyeless Jack and you felt like crying again. "I'm sorry..." He murmured, hugging you again. Which didn't seem like Eyeless Jack at all?  You were uttermost confused once more. He'd be the one shoving you away. You pulled away, still confused.

"How can I love you after what you have done?"


Should I make a part 2?

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