Chapter 3

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After twenty minutes Raven is finally comfortable enough to fall asleep and her soft snoring fills the air. Sparrow then sits up and inspects the bundle of blankets that hold the men. Satisfied that all resemble the deep breathing of sleep, she rises and makes her way to the bags they have left by the wheel of her cart. She opens Leos's first. It has nothing out of the usual; water, food, a knife and a spare shirt. She then checks Ra's; he has pretty much the same apart from the bow and arrow attached to the outside of the bag. She closes it and stills as Jag rolls over in his sleep. She rolls her eyes, they are far too trusting, or maybe her instincts are wrong this time. She opens Jag's bag and pauses. Inside is water and food, but that is not all. There are several bottles with what appears to be herbs and oils within. Are these the goods they have to trade?

"Found anything of interest?" His voice from just behind her ear makes her jump, his warm breath touching the back of her neck.

"Not really. You're all boring and practical. What does interest me is that you snuck up on me without me hearing a sound." Sparrow turns and looks him level in the eye. "Want to explain how you did that?"

"Want to explain why you're so on edge. You offered for us to travel with you. It is not true hospitality to then look through our bags. You can retract your offer and we'll be on our way." Sparrow sighs with irritation. "Oh, I had many brothers and sisters; you learn how to sneak around. Anything else you want explaining?"

"No and I'm sorry for breaking the rules of hospitality. I apologise." Sparrow purposely lowers her eyes and appears humbled. Jag's lips twitch with amusement. "Forgive me?" Her eye lashes flutter.

"Go back to bed and please leave our belongings alone in future." Sparrow's shoulders stiffen but she obeys his authoritative voice. She lays down by her sister and her breathing immediately deepens. Jag smiles, she is good. He was sure earlier that she'd been asleep, her deep rhythmic breathing was utterly believable but then again, so had his. He had watched her look through his companions' bags without a noise. He knew he had to interfere when she went to his. Those bottles could be dangerous once opened. 

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The next morning the warriors all rise with the first ray of sun. They are surprised to see that they are beaten by Sparrow. She practises her exercises with the steel sword in her grasp. Her palm is enclosed firmly around the leather handle as she twists her arm and dances around an imaginary enemy. The weapon moves as one with her, an extension to her body as she turns and rolls to the ground. She rises and the sword swipes through the air, the air whistling with the speed. Sparrow bows her head and regains her breathing. A thin layer of perspiration coats all visible skin. She uses the back of her sleeve to wipe it away from her forehead. Her eyes rise and all three men see the healthy rosy hue to her cheeks. She stands and takes a deep breath to ease her burning lungs.

"Good morning, I now see why they call you Spar." She nods with a small smile on her lips. "What time shall we set off?" They all look to Raven's slumbering form and Sparrow sighs.

"I will wake her and we shall go." She slowly approaches her sister. She kneels by her side and shoves her shoulder, not too gently either. "Ven, the sun has risen and so must you." Only a grumble is heard in response. "Do you wish me to stand by your side when you face father or not?" Raven opens her eyes with guilt and pulls herself to her feet. The warriors and the sisters work together to catch the horses and store the blankets upon the cart. Raven climbs in.

"I shall drive the cart if you wish to ride today, Spar." Her eyes light up and she jumps on his offer. She unhooks her mare and attaches his horse Slate. Ra and Leo wait on their horses as she quickly slings a saddle on her mare. When she is sat upon her horse she grins and looks expectantly to Jag. He clicks his tongue and his horse readily agrees, springing straight into a trot.

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