Chapter 25

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 "Jasiel. You were the last person I expected to see this morning." Sparrow teases, her eyes brushing past him to meet Wolfe's.

Jasiel tilts his head, his eyes roaming her face, landing on the cloth bandage around her forehead. "Little Sparrow, you've been harmed." His tone is harsh where his touch is gentle. He places his fingers on the cloth, his lips pursing in thought. Sparrow jerks back and immediately regrets the action. Her head spins and her vision blurs and separates giving her three very shaky images of Jasiel. Jasiel lowers his hand limply.

Wolfe is on his feet in an instant and by her side within moments, steadying her. Jasiel raises one eyebrow, his gaze moving from Sparrow to Wolfe. A small smile plays on his lips as he runs through the possibilities he could do with this new information he has gathered. Sparrow squeezes her eyes shut, angry that her head is spinning at a time like this. She cannot appear weak, certainly not with the Ricells. Slowly she forces them open and her relief at seeing clearly is great. Glancing to her side she sees Wolfe, again looking concerned for her.

"Thank you." She murmurs so that only the two closest to her can hear. Fastening her attention once again on Jasiel she sees his cogs turning. "It is a minor injury and self-inflicted I'm afraid. You cannot be my champion again." Wolfe stiffens until Jasiel bursts into laughter. He claps her on the shoulder, a large grin plastered to his face.

"As if I was ever your champion. I must ask you, how long did it take you to find the tunnel?"

"I knew of it before your men ever captured me. Surely you didn't think the daughter of Merlin would allow such a situation to unfold without a way out." Sparrow brushes past him with a brief smile and marches up to the other two brothers. She extends her hand. "Pleasure to finally meet you."

Gethin responds first and shakes her hand. He chuckles under Sparrow's scrutinising eyes. Warm brown eyes stare back at her below dark red hair that reaches the top of his ears in loose curls. That same dark red carries on down his jaw line and across his chin in a well-kept beard. He reminds her of someone but she cannot pinpoint exactly who. "And I you. Jasiel entertained us with tales of your visit to us. I am sorry that I was otherwise occupied."

"I planned it that way." She bites her lip, faking a nervousness she doesn't feel. "I didn't particularly want to witness your brutality."

Hunter chuckles deeply while the other brothers look on in shock. Wolfe sits himself down by Hunter and raises an eyebrow in his direction. Hunter shrugs his shoulders, his eyes more focused on Gethin's reaction. He seems to have taken it well even if he is taken back by her honesty. Sparrow turns to Gavriel who is a mix of his two brothers; grey eyes and reddish brown hair. He shakes her hand without a word but gestures for her to take a seat.

"You chose to meet Jasiel, were you not afraid of his reputation?" Gethin asks with muted interest, still taken back.

Sparrow sits beside Wolfe, showing solidarity with him. Jasiel notes this and glances across at Gavriel who replies with the slightest of nods. "Absolutely not. Those tactics usually only work with men." Sparrow replies with confidence, shooting a smile Jasiel's way to avoid offence. "Why are you here?"

"Do you speak for Lord Wolfe now, my little Sparrow?" Jasiel asks but his attention isn't on her reaction. Wolfe grinds his teeth, his jaw visibly grating. Sparrow blinks and bites her lip.

She turns to Wolfe, "Forgive me; that was rude and dishonourable of me. I was simply curious and I assumed you all knew the details before I arrived." Wolfe's expression visibly softens despite knowing her words are to help him rather than being genuine.

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