Chapter 39

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Sparrow finds herself unable to join in the conversations around her at dinner. Her sisters laugh and chatter, speaking of what they had done recently. Starling describes to Robin and Dove what the Usani brothers look like and how they act. They listen with wide interested eyes, every now and again looking to Sparrow for confirmation. She gives them a weak nod but pretends to be occupied whenever Wolfe is brought in to the conversation. Raven rubs her arm, the most perceptive of the sisters. She knows there must be more to Sparrow's silence than tiredness. Sparrow offers a weak smile, feeling guilty that she is home with her sisters and yet wishing to be somewhere else entirely.

She tunes it to her sister's words with a lot of effort, "The day after I turned up, I woke and his home was empty!" she exclaims, "So I thought I would take a walk and there was a large group of men in the distance. A fight no doubt. So I went to check it out. And guess who was in the centre of these men with daggers in their hand?" Robin gasps, her eyes going straight to Sparrow. Dove laughs and shakes her head. "You got it..."

Her next words die in her throat when their father and uncle finally arrive at dinner late. Their father nods his head and takes his seat. He must have just taken something to ease his symptoms and his pain as he now sits before them the picture of health. But both Sparrow and Starling see the red tint to his eyes and the lines drawn across his face. Their uncle Hawk bows his head and takes a seat by Sparrow. He smiles lightly before picking up his cutlery as a servant quickly serves them a plate of food.

After a few mouthfuls, he says, "Raoul will be along shortly."

Raven shoots Sparrow an enquiring look, wondering who owns this new name. The door opens once again and he steps in. Her bottom lip is tugged into her mouth. His jaw is cleanly shaven and his hazel eyes are immediately drawn to her. Sparrow watches both of their reactions and she cannot help the giggle that falls from her mouth. Ra raises an eyebrow at her and she shakes her head slightly. His mouth twitches upwards. She should have known why he wished to return with her.

"Raoul?" Raven asks, her lips twitching also. She glances across at her sister. "Of course, Ra would not be your full name."

Their father leans forward, a frown forming across his forehead. "Where exactly did you get Ra from?"

Sparrow cringes slightly and Ra stiffens. Raven gapes, her mouth dropping open and her mind going blank. Her father, of course, knows about the three men who had travelled with them and then had betrayed them. She had even mentioned their names. She hopes that he does not remember their names, especially the one belonging to the one stood before them.

"We had a chat upstairs before dinner." Dove fills in with ease, angling her head so her eyes look huge and innocent to her father, a trick that has come in handy many times. He instantly softens and his frown shifts away. "Sparrow was telling us about her friends that she made. Ra was one of the ones mentioned but she did not say his full name. Raoul, was it? I like that name."

Ra chuckles and takes his seat, opposite Raven and beside Dove. Dove grins at him before tucking in to her food. Disaster averted.

The conversations shift now that their elders and a guest are present. Starling speaks of the beautiful sights within the Usani lands and the other three chat about how the nearest village are doing and how a baby has just been born.

Sparrow pushes her food around her plate, her appetite has gone, if it was ever there to begin with. Raven looks across and notices. "Papa," he looks down the table at her. "May Sparrow and I be excused?"

He wishes to say no, this is the first time for many months that all of his children are present. However, the look on Raven's face and the despondent spirit leaking from Sparrow moves him to answer differently. "Of course, take all the time you need."

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