Chapter 10

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"Go find her." Wolfe orders Ra.

Ra nods and makes his move to exit the room. But then... she enters.

Sparrow holds her head high, a proud expression covering her face. Wolfe feels his lungs struggle for a brief moment. She lightly holds onto Logan's arm, not for support, never for support. She holds onto his arm to keep in with tradition and to show that she holds no fear. Her cheeks are no longer red from the cold and her hair is no longer tangled from the wind. Instead it flows down her shoulders in a glistening waterfall of blonde. It flows down onto shoulders encased in steel. Her gaze sweeps over the guests before landing on Wolfe. She inclines her head in a mockery of respect.

Wolfe rises to Ra's side. Together, Sparrow and Logan stride across the room. Only her shoulders and hips are armoured, below that she wears a deep red dress that sways as she moves. She looks beautiful and Wolfe cannot help but notice. They pause and Logan pulls her chair out for her. With a courteous smile she sits and he pushes it back in. He meets his brother's challenging gaze with an easy smile before taking his own seat. Sparrow looks up at Wolfe.

"Are you going to sit down? Your people are staring." She taunts softly.

Wolfe takes his seat and stares at the beauty that all the men in the room cannot remove their gaze from. A server steps forward and places a slice of cake on her plate. Seems like the starters and main meals are already out of the way.

Sparrow tucks in and can't help closing her eyes as the exquisite taste touches her tongue. She beckons a server forward, a young man. "This is delicious. Would it be wrong if I asked the cook to give me the recipe? My sister would love this." The man nods quickly, avoiding his Lord's watchful gaze.

"You look stunning Sparrow." Wolfe compliments her; a muscle in her jaw jumps. "Have you changed your mind?"

"No; never." Sparrow replies, simply. "I assume negotiations will start tomorrow."

"If that is what you wish."

Sparrow inclines her head and finishes her slice of cake. She glances across the room and sees a set of musicians playing soft music. She leans forward and across Wolfe, ignoring his frown. She taps Logan on the arm.

"Dance with me?" Logan takes a large intake of air and chews on the inside of his cheek. Sparrow takes in these small actions and immediately regrets her words. He's already attending a dinner in a crowd he usually avoids. "No." He looks at her in shock but the colour slowly comes back to his skin. "You had the honour of walking me in." She turns to Ra and tilts her head challengingly. "Dance?" Ra looks to Wolfe who just shrugs his left shoulder.

Sparrow rises and holds her hand out. "Please don't leave me waiting." Ra feels the prickle of many sets of eyes watching him.

"They're not playing music for dancing." He grinds out.

Sparrow turns to Wolfe and he grins, sensing victory. "Would you mind asking your men to make some music Ra and I could dance to?"

His grin drops. He claps his hands and the musicians start to play faster and louder. Ra has no choice but to take Sparrow's hand and lead her to the middle of the empty space to the right of the table. She places her hand on his shoulder and he puts his lightly on her waist.

"What game are you playing Sparrow?"

"I'm not playing a game. I'm simply trying to enjoy a dinner that is in my honour." She replies carefully but more honestly that she would care to admit. Ra waltzes her around as more people join them on the impromptu dance floor.

"Will you dance with everyone here tonight apart from Wolfe?" Ra asks; his voice and face devoid of emotion.

"I will dance with anyone who asks, on the condition that they did not order for me to be kidnapped." Ra twirls her around expertly and is surprised when Sparrow does not try to lead. "Did you feel even a smidgeon of guilt?"

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