Chapter 23

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He pats Shadow on the shoulder. Shadow raises his head, his eyes connecting with Sparrow's. He nickers. Quickly Wolfe jumps out of the way as Shadow shoulders through him to get to Sparrow. A tender look of affection crosses Wolfe's face as Shadow exhales gently on Sparrow's cheek before nuzzling into her neck. She glances over at him and pulls her lower lip into her mouth and chews on it. "He really trusts you."

"I was about to say the same for you." Sparrow smiles and gently strokes Shadow's neck. Wolfe steps forward and lays his hand flat against Shadow's back. He starts but relaxes when his eyes roll towards Wolfe. "Do you want to go for her ride?" Her nose creases as she frowns lightly, clearly thinking of the deep snow outside. "There is a wood not far from here; the snow won't be so deep."

"My sister may be willing to go with you." Sparrow answers, her chest rising and falling with some annoyance at her words. "She loves to ride." She adds and hides her face in Shadow's black mane.

"I doubt she would be a good influence in riding Shadow."

Sparrow's head jerks up, her green eyes finding Wolfe's quickly and with ease. An amused smirk lands on his lips. She shakes her head and laughs. "I fear you're starting to find my weaknesses." Her eyes roll. "Is he rideable?"

"I've been able to ride him a few times." He scratches his chin, pausing as if thinking. "I believe that he may react even better with you." Her leg jitters as she considers his proposal. She wants to go, of course she does. Her eyes slide away from Wolfe. Shadow chews on her cloak and she tugs it out of his mouth. "He needs to be exercised and he is your responsibility."

"My responsibility?" she blurts out, her eyebrows raising upwards.

"Didn't I mention it?" Wolfe chuckles and leans against Shadow's side. Sparrow leans over and punches his arms as he seems unwilling to continue, or more likely enjoying making her wait. "He's yours. My gift to you."

Sparrow rubs Shadow under the chin, wary to accept such a gift but hoping madly that his words are true and Shadow is once again hers. Wolfe unlatches the door and steps out, closing it behind him. He looks down at Sparrow. "No strings attached. You owe me nothing in return. You care for him and you will take him home with you when you go. Hopefully one day you will bring him back here." His words are soft and careful.

Sparrow tightly hugs Shadow before turning to Wolfe. Her smile leaps from her face, her eyes bright and sparkly. "Thank you so much." Her words mirror his in softness. Shadow nudges her back and she steps forward and hugs Wolfe. His arms immediately tighten around her. Her head fits snuggly under his chin, her arms embracing him without fear. The hug lasts moments too long and Sparrow pulls away, her gaze flitting away from Wolfe's. "Shall we go?" She turns back to Shadow.

"I'll get his tack." Wolfe disappears briefly and Sparrow pushes her forehead into Shadow's coat. She shouldn't have hugged him. She's meant to be remaining separate from all of this. But, the happiness overtook her, being able to return home with Shadow, it was a dream she couldn't believe had come true. That must be it. If anyone had given her such a gift she would have hugged them. It was a natural action, nothing to think about too deeply.

Wolfe returns and passes her Shadow's saddle and bridle. Sparrow expertly tacks him up, taking her time so Shadow doesn't become overexcited. She leads him outside and sees Wolfe waiting for her, stood beside a large black stallion whose eyes gleam when he swings his head towards her. With a silent agreement they both mount and steadily walk both horses over the snow covered ground. Sparrow sits in a very relaxed position, her legs long and her hands gently, the reins hanging down slightly. Shadow happily follows the stallion.

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