Chapter 7

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Sparrow leans heavily against the bedroom door, her head in her hands. She would be a fool to stay the night; it wastes precious distance she could obtain between her and Wolfe. The bed, however, invites her in with its warm blankets and soft mattress. The many sleepless nights gang up on her dragging her eyelids down and her feet heavy to the floor. The sweetness of a night's sleep calls to her so strongly, she almost doesn't hear the sound of footsteps heading up the stone path. 

Almost. She creeps towards the window and peeks out, careful to stay enshrouded in the darkness. As if sensing her eyes the figure stops and glances around. His head turns and the moonlight catches his face. Ra sighs deeply and knocks trice on the door.

Bronco grumbles loudly from across the hall, before reluctantly stomping downstairs and swinging the door open. He glares readily at Ra, "This better be important."

"It is. Wolfe sent me. It seems that we have a dangerous foreigner lurking in our lands close to our families. She was under lock and key but someone underestimated her abilities. Wolfe requests your help in finding her, Hunter is already searching the woods and Bear is scanning the horizon."

"He does not need my help to find a woman. Whoever she is, she won't have gotten far. I am not willing to give up a night sleeping beside my wife to trudge through the dark. Goodbye Ra." He moves to slam the door but Ra quickly shoulders it to remain open.

"She is dangerous; don't you want to protect your wife and child?" Bronco shoves Ra back.

"Then it would be wise for me to remain with them. Go look for her yourself and do not ever attempt to sway my decisions. You are simply a man in my brother's army. Go." He shuts the door.

Sparrow watches as Ra clenches his fists before spinning on his heels and jogs away. She lets out a noise of relief until her bedroom door thuds open and the imposing figure of Bronco blocks the doorway. "Speak".

"I deceived you and for that I apologise. I did not expect you or your wife to cover for me if I told the truth and yet you have done so when I have only lied."

"I should have realised who you were when you admitted to hiding from my brother. You are Lady Warrior Sparrow. Give me one reason why I shouldn't march you over to my brother right now." Sparrow meets his eyes dead on.

"If you believe in right and wrong you will allow me to run. I have been brought here despite my will. If you do not care about that I will give you one more. You have clearly married your wife for love; it shows in every action and every look I have seen tonight. You may not care about me but your brother has brought me back to persuade me to marry him. I cannot love him and he will come to resent and hate me. Do not allow that happen to him, let me go and he will find his match as you have." She edges closer to the window.

"He will see you if you jump out of the window and they will catch you tonight if you run. I will not interfere with either of you. I will not help you but I will not help them. My wife trusts you and you can't be that dangerous if he brought you here himself. Sleep tonight Sparrow, I expect to see you in the morning." With those final words, he shuts her door quietly and she hears him settle in his own bed with his wife. 

Sparrow again looks out of the window. Dotted around the homes and the fields are round balls of light. She doesn't know the land well enough to avoid them. Making her choice she sinks into the bed and pulls the blankets up around her. To sleep is her best decision.

○ ○ ○

Something feels wrong. Sparrow pulls on the deep green cloak over her shoulders and pulls on some boots. Bronco has been generous leaving them outside her door. Slowly she creeps downstairs, hand at her waist despite the absence of a weapon. The house is quiet, almost too quiet. Sparrow expects to hear the sound of Tilly chattering away but nothing is heard. She pauses before turning the corner on the stairs.

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