Chapter 40

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"Sparrow!" She turns from packing the bags attached to Shadow's saddle. Raven rushes towards her, followed closely by Ra. "Uncle Hawk told me that you are heading back to Usani. Must you leave this instant?"

"Yes, I must." Her eyes drift to Ra. "I am going to give you a choice. I know you wish to stay with my sister." Raven colours but it was clear for anyone paying enough attention to see that her and Ra had gotten close very quickly. Whenever he was not training, he was beside Raven's side and the affection he showed her was very sweet. Their three other sisters spent many nights giggling and chatting about it. Sparrow hands him across the letter that she had previously straightened out once again. The colour drains from Ra's face and he wordlessly hands it to Raven. Her hand comes up and covers her mouth. She rushes forward as if to hug her sister but Sparrow raises her hand and shakes her head. "I think your place right now is by Wolfe's side."

"I agree. I will prepare my horse and be with you shortly." He jogs off and Sparrow lets out a large exhale of relief. She was not looking forward to making this journey on her own. The thought of Jasiel no longer living and Logan being blamed for his death was terrifying. The thought that Wolfe was marrying someone else just when she had come to terms with her feelings. It was all just too much. She knows she has to be there with him. She knows she must help to free Logan of any blame. She wants to do it by Wolfe's side.

Ra returns shortly with his horse fully tacked up and with full bags hanging from the saddle. He kisses Raven on the cheek and mounts his horse. Sparrow hugs her sister then swings herself up onto Shadow's back. She gives her sister a weak smile before nudging Shadow forward.

They ride day and night, slowing down and pausing only momentarily to allow the horses some breathing time.

Three weeks and six days later

They arrive within eyesight of the Usani manor on the day of the wedding just as the sun rises. It basks the beautiful building in a warm orange and Sparrow breathes as she has not been able to do for several weeks. Ra has been her rock, the one she has been able to lean on but now she feels the full weight of everything she must do settle on her. She bites her lip and tastes blood. Her lips have come under so much abuse throughout her riding. The skin is split and sore but still she does it, unable to not do so.

Ra nudges his horse forward, taking the lead, sensing he needs to do so now. At the stables they both dismount and Harry comes forward, with a cheeky grin, to take the horses. His surprise is evident when Shadow nudges him with a mix of affection and curiosity. Sparrow hangs back when Ra turns to her. With a stern expression he holds out his hand. "Shadow does not need you right now. Time to be brave, Warrior Hawke." She walks past him, ignoring his extended hand. He smiles to himself and follows her. Two men at the door raise their eyebrows at them both.

"Neither of you are on the list." One of the men says.

Ra shrugs. "But you know exactly who we both are. We are here to attend the wedding and if you get Bear he will tell you the same."

The man laughs loudly and steps to the side so they can enter. "Just pulling your leg. Go right in. Wolfe is in his room, fifth door on the left upstairs." His light blue eyes fall on Sparrow as he reveals Wolfe's location. She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head slightly to the side. The smirk that had taken root on his face drops.

"Show respect to the Head Warrior of Iceni lads." Ra taunts slyly. Both men immediately bow their heads in respect.

Sparrow laughs once they are inside and shakes her head. Then why they are there settles on her again and the amusement dies. She looks to the stairs then back at Ra. "I will see if I can find Jag and Leo. You should find Wolfe." She nods and watches him leave. Taking a deep reassuring breath she jogs upstairs and goes to the fifth door on the left.

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