Chapter 37

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Starling has already mounted her horse and Ra strides towards them. He acknowledges Sparrow and swings himself up into the saddle. Everyone is ready. She moves to Shadow's right side and grips onto the pommel. She inhales deeply before placing her foot in the stirrup and lifts herself up onto his back. She settles and collects her reins up into one hand.

"Have you said goodbye to Wolfe?" Ra's voice carries across to her. Her fingers tighten around the reins.

"Yes." She replies softly, too soft for him to hear. She nudges gently with her calves and Shadow walks forward.

"Wait!" They hear a yell and Ra chuckles, pulling his horse back before it can follow after Shadow. Sparrow twists in her seat hating the disappointment that rose within her when she recognises the voice. Shadow prances on the spot, his head snaking with the unfamiliar person. "Get down off that horse Sparrow," comes the authoritive order. Sparrow briefly glances at her sister who looks nonplussed.

"Lady Claire, please inform us as to why I should dismount when I have such a long way to travel." Lady Claire's face shrivels up slightly at the condescending tone falling from Sparrow's lips.

"Wolfe will be here shortly and it would be disrespectful for you to say goodbye while being so much higher than he is."

"There are none of your people watching us here. I do not need to worry about being respectful. Our goodbyes will be the same if I was on the ground or on my horse. Since I am on my horse I see no need to change it." She sees Wolfe marching across the frozen grass and Shadow flicks his ears back, sensing the tension fizzing through her body. "Thank you for being kind to me Lady Claire when I have tested you." The urge to kick Shadow into a canter is rooted deep in her heart but she waits until Wolfe is stood by his mother.

Under his eyes hang dark bags and his hair is messy atop his head. He does not appear to have slept since she left him. Those cerulean eyes are clear though and stare right at her. He appears to have gotten dressed quickly, no cloak or coat and his shirt is left untucked on one side. Sparrow bows her head to him. "Thank you for your hospitality, my Lord." Her tone is stiff and formal and his eyes alight with a blue fire.

"Sparrow." He almost growls but stops when he sees her bite her lip. She is nervous. "Goodbye, I wish you a safe journey."

She forces an unnatural smile and nudges Shadow. He unwillingly walks away from Wolfe; almost mirroring her warring emotions and he soon leaps into a steady trot. Her two riding companions shortly follow calling a quick goodbye to the two who watch them ride away.

○ ○ ○

The day passes quickly and Ra and Starling both give her peace. The ride is silent and neither complains or comments when Sparrow rides on through the noon hours and throughout the afternoon, never stopping. Ra simply extricates some dried meat from his saddle bag and hands it over to Starling. They eat while riding but Sparrow barely notices; so set on returning home as swiftly as possible. The light is now fading and the air has grown colder. Starling chews on her lip before glancing across at Ra. Sparrow still shows no sign of stopping.

Ra nudges his horse, Slate, faster to catch up with Sparrow. The two horses happily fall into step with one another and Shadow gently neighs at his companion. "Sparrow, the night is closing in, we should set up camp." Sparrow jumps out of her daze and she glances around. Now she sees the darkness gathering in. She nods quickly in reply and reins Shadow in. Her jerky actions cause him to stamp both his front hooves and she murmurs lowly to calm him.

Ra dismounts and takes hold of Shadow's bridle, narrowly missing Shadow's teeth closing around his arm. Sparrow slides off and takes the reins. Looking around, there is a lone tree not far off. All three travellers lead their horses over. They remove halters from the bags and switch the tack over for them. Shadow immediately drops to the floor to sleep and Sparrow shakes her head, "Weird horse," she says with great affection. The other two remain standing and doze.

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