Chapter 28

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"Little brother." Hunter turns, relief flooding his system. Wolfe watches as the tension lifts from his brother's shoulders and the harsh set to his facial features relax. He was about to ignore Sparrow's unspoken plea. He was about to cause serious damage to whoever he could find that had caused her harm. It would be easy to tell. He knew it wasn't Jasiel; he looked upon her with too much affection. That left the two brothers and one would have a serious wound. The blood on Sparrow's sleeve was not her own. Hunter would not have been responsible for the actions he took when in such a dark place.

Wolfe steps closer, thankful that his brother seems to be settling back into his reality. The way he'd stormed in and straight past Wolfe, without even acknowledging his presence, he knew he had to get him out of it. Hunter was perceptive almost always, except when he went off the deep end. This, Wolfe knew, was always motivated by a loyalty to those he cared about. Hunter usually was smart and held back. Fear for those he loved could make him do damage before he realised he'd done it.

Hunter's fists release and colour fills the white knuckles. His eyes drop, avoiding his brother's.

"Who were you gunning for?" Wolfe asks; his voice purposely disinterested.

"It is not important. It would have been a mistake." Hunter rolls his shoulders, his eyes flicking up to meet Wolfe's. "I made a promise and I was about to break it."

Wolfe nods and glances around. "I saw Logan with a woman matching the Ricell's description. I do not know if I should praise you for keeping his secret, or be angry that you did not tell me." Hunter chuckles and runs a hand through his hair, his hand shaking a little with the restrained anger still settled in his heart.

"He will make the right decision." Hunter turns away to leave. Wolfe reaches out and grabs his shoulder. "What?"

"You weren't about to break a promise to him, you know what he is going to do. Who were you about to defend?"

"I made a promise." Hunter grinds out, clearly frustrated. "I cannot tell you, but you can guess." His tone lightens.

"Sparrow." Wolfe questions and his brother bites his lip, the corners rising slightly. "Where is she?"

"I took her to visit Lilly and Tilly. She's fine, but I didn't want her in this place anymore."

"She's fine?" Hunter chuckles and yanks his shoulder out of Wolfe's grip.

"Probably should not have said that. If you go to her, please don't tell her that I broke my word." Wolfe raises his eyebrows at that. Clearly, Hunter thinks his relationship with Sparrow is important to keep.

"I promise." Wolfe assesses Hunter and realises that it wouldn't be wise to leave him on his own just yet. "Go find Logan." Hunter bristles with the direct command but does as instructed, heading back outside, away from the Ricell brothers.

○ ○ ○

Wolfe knocks gently three times on Sparrow's door. "Come in," she calls out. He opens the door slowly and steps in. She sits cross legged on the bed, a quill in one hand and paper in the other. She glances up and smiles at him. His answering smile is confused by her reaction. "I thought you'd turn up sooner or later. Hunter spilled did he not?"

"He only told me that his anger was concerning you. I do not know why." Wolfe replies carefully. He strides over and looks at the words scrawled across the crisp white sheet. He catches sight of a few words before she moves it, forcing his gaze to move to her.

"You may read it when I am finished. I must apologise to you." She gestures for him to take a seat. As only the bed is available he sits by her knees and waits for her next words, curious to hear what they are. "I am making an agreement between myself and the Ricell lands. An opportunity presented itself and I would have been a fool not to take advantage..." her voice fades away when Wolfe gently caresses her neck. She gulps, her eyes questioning.

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