Chapter 30

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Wolfe makes Logan leave the room with him. Bronco who had been watching everything unfold quietly, from the side-lines, steps forward and offers to escort Zara to her room. She takes his arm, suddenly feeling so very tired. They leave the room together and only the Ricell brothers and Hunter remains. Jasiel raises an eyebrow, well aware that Hunter probably knew some of what had happened only a few hours earlier. A twisted, sardonic smile lifts one side of Hunter's lips.

"I will escort all of you to your rooms and I hope you don't mind, I'll be locking you all in till the morning." Gethin opens his mouth to protest but Gavriel jabs him in the ribs with his elbow. Hunter is not someone you mess with. Jasiel nods and gestures for him to lead the way. Hunter shakes his head and gestures for them to go first, he would much rather keep his eyes on them.

He follows them each to their rooms and true to his word he locks them all within. In addition, he calls on Leo, Ra and Jag and asks them if they would stand watch outside the doors. They willingly agree, knowing Hunter would only ask if he felt it was necessary.

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Sparrow, Starling and Bear look up when someone enters the room. Bronco chuckles when he sees them sprawled across the floor playing a game of chess. Starling seems to be there more for support as she is placed off to the side. Zara awkwardly raises her hand in a wave. Bear briefly smiles before turning his attention back to the board. He moves one of his knights and when Sparrow glances down she purses her lips, eyebrow furrowing. Bronco nudges Zara into the room and leads her closer to the small group. He gently kicks his brother.

"Where are your manners?"

"Gone with the sun." He replies, a tinge of amusement evident. Starling rises and grins at Zara.

"I am Starling, the second eldest of the Iceni royal family. You must be Zara. This here is..."

"She has already met me before." Sparrow interjects and Siren colours.

"The brute ignoring us is Bear, Wolfe's twin brother." Bronco fills in. "Zara will be sharing your room tonight Sparrow." He nudges Bear again with his foot. "We should be going, shouldn't we, Bear?"

Sparrow finally makes her move and Bear grins triumphantly. He makes his final move and leaps to his feet. "Check mate." Sparrow shakes her head, faking irritation even though his actions make her want to laugh.

"We will play again?" She questions.

"Of course." He bows low to Zara. "Good night." Bronco and Bear leave and the door is closed and locked behind them. Sparrow hears the click in the door as they do so and she sighs. Hopefully they'll open it again early in the morning or she may just have to climb out of the window to go see Shadow.

Starling abruptly giggles and they both turn to see what has suddenly amused her. "This isn't even my room and they have locked me in here with you." Sparrow sighs and lets out a small giggle and Zara soon follows.

Sparrow collects some blankets and a pillow and sets them up on the floor. "You two share the bed; I'm more than comfortable on the floor." Zara looks as if she's about to argue but Starling places a quietening hand on her arm.

"She would be sleeping in the loft above the horses stalls if they hadn't locked her in. Let her."

Silence soon falls as all three girls get ready to go to sleep and slip into the bed, or in Sparrow's case her blankets. Starling falls asleep first and the other two girls listen to her soft snores. "How did it go?" Sparrow whispers.

"Logan and I will be returning to my home and we will plead with my father to allow us to be together. Jasiel suggested it." She whispers back, careful not to disturb Starling. "I'm scared."

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