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"Ma'am, I don't believe this is the right building-"
"Don't be stupid, Briggs, this is where the arrow points to-"
"Are you sure it's not the building behind because you know those things can be quite-"
"Are you Deputy Chief or am I?"
"You are Ma'am. But-"
"Yes Ma'am," he dejectedly sighs while tagging along with another officer to conduct the search.

The honey blonde rolls her deep chocolate brown eyes and adjusts her badge; the sparkling star that she wears with so much bride and dignity. As she's thinking back to her dedicated years earning the position, a flustered young secretary rushes up to her.
"Officer Torres! Mr Carter requests to see you immediately. It's about the search warrant Ma'am-"
"What about it? It's completely legitimate-"
"Yes Ma'am but he insists I escort you to his office. Please Ma'am," pleads the woman. 'Carter?' Questions Officer Torres. A niggle of doubt eases into her mind but she quickly shakes it off. He must be some sort of manager, just below the big boss-Paolo Santiago.
"Fine, lead the way," sighs Torres adjusting her cap.

She follows the seamlessly harmless looking worker through a series of corridors and up a flight of stairs to the translucent glass doors. Clearly printed on the glass door were the words 'Adrian Carter' and underneath 'CEO'. Adrian Carter...For some reason that name feels familiar in her mind, like a name heard in the passing. Perhaps he's one of her sisters previous conquests. Before she can read the rest the woman's knocked on the door gently and ushered her in.

The first thing she sees is the sleek black desk, on-top of which is a slim silver desktop system and other various stationary. But in the middle on the desk a full head of waved, silky dark hair is visible as the owner pours through the warrant that she'd handed the front desk minutes ago.
"Officer..." starts a baritone voice. The man starts to stand, pushing his rolling chair backwards and picking up the document whilst continuing to scan it. As he stands Officer Torres feels a jolt of female arousal shoot through her. Like any female of age, she knows a worthy mating companion when she sees one. His body is toned and muscular and beautifully wrapped in the ash-grey tailored suit. Her primal urges perk up as does her wolf spirit. The introduction of this side of her causes her great surprise particularly as she usually neglects and suppresses that part of her. The spirit had previously put up a brief fight but once loosing that, submitted and faded...or so she had thought.

"Sam Torres," states the man, glancing up from the document. Sam's eyes connect with the most striking shade of blue she's ever seen on anybody and the backlash from that has her immediately focusing her gaze on the bridge of his perfect nose instead. She quickly takes in the rest of his features and with dismay realises he's...incredible looking. A beauty that's incomparable. A beauty that's unrivalled. And with his flawless light golden skin tone, high cheekbones, strong jaw line and 5 o'clock shadow stubble; it would be difficult for most men to match up.
"Oh," he comments in surprise, bushy eyebrows rising in action, "For some reason, I'd expected a male."
That comment froze all train of thought in Sam's mind. They never do expect her to be female. To be straight, even.
"Yes well...Surprise!" somewhat sarcastically replies Sam much to Adrian's amusement.
"Look, Mr Carter, as you can tell that is a very authentic and very much real search warrant and it would be in your best interests to co-operate with this investigation."
"And I fully intend on doing that, Deputy...which is why I have to tell you that you have the wrong building. This address is for the warehouses behind."

The colour from Sam's face just drains with realisation.
"Excuse me?" she exasperates before sighing and continuing in a cold, detached tone, "You must take me for a fool to believe that. Now where's Santiago?"
"Your boss. We know all about the operation you have going on, so don't try to play dumb."
Bright blue eyes narrow as he assesses the situation.
" 'My boss'?...You have definitely got the wrong place. Now if you don't leave Ma'am, I will call the Chief-"
"The Chief? As if he would be involved in your filthy operations. You have a pretty good disguise, I'll give you that much but you guys are nothing more than just a bunch of low-life criminals with jacked up superior complexes."
"That's it! I'm calling the Chief. I will not have the police department charge into my business with a search warrant that's completely wrong and then have the Deputy start insulting me!"
"Fine, call your 'Chief'!" shouts back Sam, her tone loaded with sarcasm.

Adrian pulls out the sleek smart-phone from his pocket and within a few seconds, he's on the line to the Chief of Police.
"Chief Daniels? It's Adrian Carter."
"Adrian! What's with the sudden call, boy?"
"There seems to be a situation here, Chief. Your deputy is standing in my office while her team is conducting a search throughout the building. I have tried to tell her she has the wrong address but she's...unconvinced. I was hoping you could talk some sense into your Officer," he sums up.
"What? What the hell is my Deputy doing there? Jesus. Right, okay, let me talk to her. And I'm sorry about this son."

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