Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“Sam, you know I can’t-”
“I will not have the fucking DEA taking over! Not now, not on my case!” cries Sam livid.
“Torres, calm the hell down!” shouts back Chief, barely just managing to scream louder than her. His eyes hold hers steady and with that stern expression he manages to get her to sink back into her seat. Yet he’s can’t overlook the fact her hands are bunched into fists on her lap and anger is coursing through her veins-not that he blames her for that. In fact, he’d be the same. It’s just he can’t tell her that.
“Chief, this is my case. I took it on when no one else would. I got the breaks in it, hell I found the fucking cocaine in the first place! They have no right to take-”
“I understand Torres. Listen to me. Let me speak,” he interrupts. She begrudgingly presses her lips close and into a tight line, trying so hard to contain her fury.
“The DEA are trying to get this case back, but they won’t win. You need to trust me, okay? Yours is the only team that going to stay on this case. I wouldn’t have it any other way. And if the City wants this whole Santiago mess cleared up, they won’t reassign. You have nothing to worry about, alright? Now go and get on with your job,” with that concluding command, Chief Daniels dismisses Sam.
Sam gives a tight nod, still worried about her baby-her case-being handed over to the douchebags at the Drugs Enforcement Administration.

Wound up and still angry, Sam knows she needs some way to channel that out of her, before she snaps someone’s head off. Taking out her gym kit, Sam heads towards the police’s training/gym facility located at the far end of the large station. She slips into the sweats, tank top and trainers before wrapping some tape around her fists. The place is empty and cold as she enters. Taking a spare punching bag she hangs it up. Then cracking her neck and fingers she pictures the DEA and Santiago on the front of the punching bag, right before pummelling it with her fists and kicks.

A low wolf whistle rings throughout the old gym an hour into Sam starting. Startled, she has to grabble to hold the swinging punching bag so it doesn’t hit her in the face. Spinning around to glare at the culprit, she finds her glare turning into an eye roll. Hanson. She should have known. Only he would be idiotic enough to wolf whistle at her. She knows he’s got balls. Especially from the way he teased her by blaring out ‘baby got back’ after she had to go undercover as a prostitute.

“What do you want Hanson?” growls Sam turning her attention back to the punching bag. Throwing a few more punches she can hear them echo out into the rooms, just as Officer Hanson’s footsteps ring out as he walks towards her.
“That’s quite a punch Torres. Who pissed you off then?” teases Hanson.
“Fuck off, Hanson-”
“Come on Sammie. You can call me Shawn, you know,” he suggests.
“I don’t want to Officer Hanson,” she spits back. Yet ‘Shawn’ doesn’t know when to quit and as such, he holds the punching bag as it swings from Sam’s jab at it.
“What the h-”
“Maybe you should spar with someone instead of something?” he proposes with a raised eyebrow. Sam appraises his offer, realising his attire is actually workout clothing. Fine, she thinks, perhaps she should go against something that will fight back.
“Alright. Fine, bring it on, Hanson,” she shrugs, blowing on her knuckles and moving to the centre of the room with the mats on.
He smirks moving towards her.
“Hey, maybe if I win, you’ll finally let me be on your team.”
Sam snorts, “there is no way I’m letting you onto my team Hanson and there is no chance in hell you’ll beat me.”
“If that’s what you think then I’m gonna enjoy taking your hot ass down, baby,” smirks Shawn.
His statement fuels more anger into Sam and instead of using her words, this time she decides it’s time to let her fists do the talking.

Shawn does not expect the first jab at his stomach and as a result he gets winded by it slightly. The blow causes him to focus meaning his body snaps into a defensive stance. Sam mimics the movement and they circle around each other, examining each other to find the other’s fighting style. Sam acknowledges she’s weaker than Shawn and using brute strength won’t do any good, so she knows she’ll have to make sure to turn his strength and weight against him. Shawn on the other hand, knows that he could just lift her off her feet with one hand but he also knows going straight in for the kill like that won’t work. Despite his male ego and schemas, he recognises that she’s a touch little cookie and it won’t be easy.

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