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Sam sighs, flattening a hand over her stomach while gazing in the mirror.

Thank God, for that near miss! If not for the morning after pill, Sam’s sure she would be waddling down the aisle now, rather than stumbling in heels. She can’t believe the stupidity of their actions that afternoon but she knows it wasn’t intentional on either of their parts-or at least it hadn’t been on hers. Adrian…well, who knows with that man and his plans. Either way, she wants to wait on the kids for a few years at least. She wants him for a few years for herself-her husband…well, her husband in about 45 minutes. 

“Ready Sam, sweetie?”

Sam glances around at the woman entering the room. Rachel…The woman is a complete Goddess. And the sass in her just inspires Sam. Not to mention the strength she has keeping her whole family together and taking care of them.
Could she do that? Be a mother? A wife?
“Yeah,” exhales Sam glancing back around at the mirror.

It doesn’t feel like she’s looking at herself. She doesn’t feel like her. The woman in the mirror, her lace fishtail wedding gown is so elegant and flawless. Her make-up has her glowing. Her jewellery sparkling. That’s not Sam. That can’t be her. The make-up artist’s good and the seamstress of the dress are good but even they can’t perform miracles. The only thing that has her remotely recognising herself is the hair. The wild locks that are left loose but hair sprayed to stop falling in her face, is the one thing that’s true to her. And the strange thing is, it was not her who insisted on it-but Adrian. She’s glad he did and even more pleased she obliged. In return she asked him to retain some stubble at his cheeks, guess she’ll find out today if he’s managed to keep his word.

“You look beautiful. Absolutely stunning, Sammie,” grins Rachel, reaching around to give her future daughter-in-law a side hug.
Giving a shaky smile, Sam replies with, “thanks Rachel. The make-up’s a litt-”
“Oh no, don’t you start that, young lady. You look perfect. But listen I need to ask you something very important.”
“What-what is it?” Oh no, this is the part that Sam’s been waiting for. The part where Rachel tells her, her baby boy deserves better than the likes of her.
“You do want to marry him…now at least, right?”
“Huh?” asks a stunned Sam. That was definitely not the question that she was expecting.
“Listen I know my all my boys better than anyone out there and I know that as bright and…suave as Adrian is; he can be a little…intense. Especially when it comes to his goals and wishes. I just want you to know that-”
Sam shakes her head, her mind catching up with Rachel’s words.
“Rachel, no, no. I want this just as much as him, I promise. Now is a great time for us to get married too. I mean, I get a few weeks off before starting as Chief and he can have a break now that his new VP has got the hang of things. Plus, come on Rachel, you know me. You know I can put my foot down, even when it comes to him.”
“I do honey and thank God for that. I want you to know I’m very glad you’re going to be my daughter-in-law, I really am and even happier Adrian has someone like you in his life.”
“Rachel, stop it, you’re going to make me cry and then this concrete mask will melt and I’ll have no idea how to fix it!”

Rachel can’t help but laugh at that. Well, that’s Sam.
“Hey, where are the others?” questions Sam gazing around the room, although she needn’t bother. The quietness is a dead giveaway.

“I sent them out of the room for a while, Ivy was getting hungry anyway. I thought you should have a bit of piece and quiet to gather your thoughts,” explains Rachel and Sam breathes a sigh of relief. That is true, had the others stayed, Sam would have had to put on a strong front and not allow the worry to wash over her. What if there’s some disaster? What if something goes awfully wrong? What if she spills something on her dress?!

“Breathe, sweetheart. Enjoy it…” smiles Rachel with her last piece of advice in mind.

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