Chapter 23

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 Chapter 23

After fuelling up and digging out some old boxes as well as 2 old suitcases of Adrian’s, they both head over to Sam’s apartment (or should that be former now?) to move as much as they can. Since the place had come with some necessary furnishings, Sam’s own possessions are relatively small. As much as the place had grown on her and as cheap as the rent may have been, Sam knew all along that it would only be a temporary situation. In fact, she dreams of living in a comfortable house rather than apartment. And now with Adrian in the, no, she can’t go there. Baby steps, Sammie, she tells herself.

It takes all of 10 whole minutes for Sam to realise that packing with Adrian is one of the most infuriating experiences of her whole life. Every little thing she places into the box-he questions its use and why she needs it. She’s pretty sure that if it were up to him she’d only end up with 2 boxes of things to keep and about 5 trash bags of things to chuck. With a frustrated groan she sends him into the kitchen with a box and strict instructions to pack all of her kitchen utensils.
Meanwhile she tackles her mess of a bedroom.

Adrian frowns to himself as he sees the automatic spatula flipper and its price tag still on. For God’s sake, why the hell has she still got this-clearly she’s not using it? Suddenly there’s a buzzing sound, checking his phone he realises it’s not his. Gazing around he spots her phone on the table vibrating around the table in its own circle.
It’s an unknown number causing Adrian to believe it’s just probably just a telemarketer. Ignoring it he gets back to packing.

After a few hours they’ve finally got a few boxes done. Sam suggests they stop for now and Adrian goes to load the boxes into the car as Sam checks her fridge for any food that needs throwing away. Then as Adrian’s coming back she realises she’s had a missed call from an unknown number. The caller seems to also have left a voicemail-odd. Usually if she misses someone’s call they either leave a text rather than a voicemail. Confused, Sammie places the phone next to her ear and plays the message but from the first word Sam has a sudden prickle of cold shivers of horror shake through her body.

‘Samantha,’ begins the calm, low feminine voice, ‘there seems to some kind of rumour travelling around that Adrian Carter has found his mate and the description of this female is remarkably akin to you, sweetheart...I do believe it is high time we arranged a meeting with of course, your new beau. But...if you don’t wish to travel to meet me then I so would enjoy a road trip. Consider this an invitation not a threat, darling.’

‘Invitation’ her ass.
She wants Sam to go-with Adrian. That’s the only reason for the call. Her mother can sugar-coat it in as many fancy words as she wants but the bottom line is, she wants to confirm or deny those rumours.

No, no, no; this cannot be happening. Sam vowed never to return to that place again-ever. And now not only does she have to break that promise to herself but she also needs to somehow convince Adrian to go along with her.
Another thought overcomes her. If she takes Adrian to her hometown then no doubt her mother’s going to reveal everything about her and she cannot face the huge standoff in front of them. She can’t let herself be embarrassed by them again-especially in front of Adrian. That means there’s only one possibility left-she has to come clean to him by herself.

Almost in perfect timing he bounds into the apartment having loaded the last of the boxes. Concern sweeps his features as he notices Sam looking very perplexed and slightly anxious. He’s incredulous as to how the event that has to have transpired in just a mere quarter of an hour that he’d left in order for her to be this nervous.

“Sam,” he slowly calls, his tone is weary as are his footsteps edging towards her.
Instantly with the call of her name from his lips her eyes snap with brightness hidden in which there is a prevailing element of fear and she exhales deeply.
“Ade, sit down for me. We need to have a chat.”

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