Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As the investigation proceeds during the week, Sam not only manages to convince her friends she hasn’t spoken to her mystery guy yet, but also manages to decide on a restaurant for their date. This of course, means all she has to do is talk to him now. 

“Adrian Carter speaking,” he addresses just as formally as she’s expecting.
“Hey it’s Sam.”
“Sam?” echoes Adrian in prompt.
Sam can only roll her eyes, must be nice to have a mate that recognises your voice-not, “your mate, asshole.”
“Oh, well what a...surprise,” he flatly states.
“Yeah, I’m not exactly thrilled to be calling either. But unlike you I like to make sure my dates are available; so are you available this Friday night-8pm?”
Ade’s slightly stunned by the question but he quickly gathers himself again to answer, “I should be, yes. What do you propose we do?”
“Dinner. Do you like French cuisine?”
“Sure...I don’t mind it.”
“Great,” smiles Sam and then recites the address to the French Bistro on the edge of town she loves so much.

“So...Am I picking you up?” asks Ade slightly uncertain about how she wants to do this. His last girlfriend had pretty much expected or rather demanded it, but Sam is...odd to say the least and he’s not sure just how to go about ‘dating’ Sam. Well...maybe not ‘dating’ but whatever it is they’re doing-courting, is that the right word?
Sam’s grin broadens and she has to muffle her sniggers but she can’t help tease him, “aw, aren’t you sweet. Are you turning soft on me Ade?”
“No, it was merely a suggestion. A formality of sorts. Don’t-”
“Alright, alright Ade, no need to dig that hole deeper,” smirks Sam.
“You seriously test my patience woman,” he grunts with just causes Sam to grin broader.
“Just what I aim for, but hey, don’t wear a suit to the restaurant okay? It’s a very casual place,” informs Sam to Adrian. As much as she loves seeing him in those striking suits, if Ade turns up looking like some Hugo Boss model to the quaint little Bistro, she’ll never be able to walk in there again with turning bright red. Plus, a small part of her is curious to see what Ade will look like in casual wear-maybe some dark blue jeans. Oh man, that would be a great sight.

“Sam? Christ, have you hung up on me again?!-”
“Calm down, Adrian. I haven’t hung up on you! Now what were you saying?”
He sighs down the other line, “I was just asking whether you have made a reservation?”
“No need, it’s not the kind of place you need a reservation for.”
“Oh dear God, please tell me this place is not some kind of ‘Rock n’ Roll’, underground, ex-criminal bar,” he groans causing Sam to gasp in outrage.
No! It’s a nice place! Listen, turn up if you want or don’t, either way, I don’t care. It wasn’t my idea to go on a date-”
Ade suddenly starts ‘tsking’ down the phone, “no need to get so touchy. I was merely...thinking aloud.”
Sam exhales an annoyed puff of air down the line, “yeah, well for future references- let’s say I like you better when you don’t ‘think aloud’.”
“I bet you do. I bet you also like your men at your disposal, heeding your every call,” he snaps just as sassily. Sam recoils-woah! Okay, so she did not see that coming. Fine, if he wants to play it like that, then she’s game.
“Oh well, since we’re jumping to conclusions...I bet you like your women according to the three B’s-blonde, busty and brainless.”

Silence falls on the other line and Sam’s half curious as to what her mate is thinking.

Ade can’t help but smile, Sam Torres, is definitely like no other woman he’s ever met. That quick tongue of hers though, could be put to much better use. In particular one that involves her on her knees and...
“Adrian?” calls a quiet voice on the other end.
“Three B’s huh? Which of those do you fall under then, Miss Torres?” he smoothly questions.
Sam feels herself get flustered for a minute before she stumbles out, “none! I mean...I’m blonde! But I’m not...I’m not the others.”
“Really? Well, I would argue you fall into another one of those categories too,” he pipes, still grinning through the phone.
Sam feels her cheeks flush with blood, but then she snaps herself out of it. He doesn’t mean ‘busty’, stupid, she tells herself, he probably mean brainless.
“I’m not brainless Adrian,” she snaps haughtily.
Ade smirks, “whoever said it was brainless, Princess?”
As he receives silence from the other end, he knows he’s got her flabbergasted and with that he hangs up, smirking victoriously to himself. And his brothers think he doesn’t have game! Psh.

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