Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Giddy with anticipation, Sam’s only too glad to put her work on the backburner in favour of some fun with her boyfriend. All night she was reliving their hot, passionate scene and now to have another one to add to the memory bank, feels great. Just as her ‘Master’ had suggested she slips off her panties and changes into a back denim skirt and black t-shirt before slipping on her boots, grabbing her collar and rushing out of the door. 

Ade can feel himself hardening at just the thought of having Sam pleading him for release again. After yesterday, his díck could only think of one thing and one thing only-to be plunged inside his mate. That in itself is strange for Adrian. His self control is usually so intact and bound rigidly, yet now to have it go rouge from just one experience with his mate truly causes him to re-evaluate the so called stone control he thought he has. Nevertheless, one day is long enough. 
He lips quip in glee as he hears the knocking on his door. Swinging it open, he grins at the flustered appearance of his mate. It looks as if she ran all the way here. Well, well, well...seems he’s not the only one eager for this.

He moves towards the side and tilts his head inside to allow her to enter. As soon as she does and the door is shut, his hands grab her hips, spinning her around and pinning her against the hallway wall. 
Instantly his lips hungrily descend on hers, his tongue giving her no warning as it plunges into her mouth and spars with hers.  His hands drag her wrists up and pins them above her head. As he pulls back to allow her air, she smirks at him.

“Well hello to you too.”
“Did you bring the collar?” he demands causing her to raise an eyebrow. What's with the caveman attitude now? 
“I may have done,” she retorts with attitude. He just takes it to mean yes. 
“Then take your shoes off,” he states moving back to allow her to do so. She lets both of them drop clumsily onto the floor, shooting Adrian a smug grin as she notices his annoyance at the insolent act. Anything to rile him up seems to bring Sam just a smidge of glee but then again the same could be said for him. 
After that, he strides into the bedroom, Sam rolls her eyes and follows, dumping her bag but bringing the collar with her. 

“Turn around,” he instructs holding his hand out to allow her to drop the collar. She does so and spins, pulling her hair to one side to allow him to firmly buckle the thing around her neck. As she turns back, she can’t smiling at the softness that tinges Adrian’s bright blue orbs as he lowers his body one swoop he picks her no. 
“Argh! No! Don’t! Put me back down!” she cries, hands winding around his neck and holding on tight. She hates it when he picks her up and she hates that it makes him just laugh. Placing her on the bed, he grins at her pouting expression.

“Don’t pout, Princess. You belong in my arms,” he winks causing her cheeks to redden at that. 
Crawling onto the bed, she shuffles back slightly in playfulness but he just grasps her ankle and pulls her towards him. With a squeak of surprise, Sam finds herself lying flat on the bed with Adrian’s hand pining down her hips and his gorgeous blue eyes twinkling with mischief. His fingers unzip and unbutton her skirt before tugging it off. 
“Good girl, no panties just as I said,” he states in approval causing Sam’s heart to flutter with the thought of that approval. 

His hand runs over the soft mound, fingers trailing along the smooth skin, slicking with arousal. Sam feels herself sinking...deeper and deeper into his touch, his voice, him. Her body like her mind perks in anticipation of beautiful torture and intense pleasure, yet a moment later and she feels herself being lifted out of that trance. With his fingers disappearing from her body, her eyes pop open in surprise. 
“Remove your clothes,” he states as he stands up. 
Sam’s confused as to what’s going on. Why does he look like he’s leaving when he wants her to take her clothes off? 
“Princess,” he sings raising an eyebrow at her still covered front half. Begrudgingly Sam keeps her eyes trained on him as she takes off her socks first. A small smirk appears on his features; Sam Torres forever the stubborn one. Content he’s not going anywhere causing her to make a fool of herself; Sam starts to pull her top off. 
Meanwhile, Adrian takes a few steps towards the large armchair against the wall and smirks up at her fully undressed form.

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