Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The morning comes as a great surprise for Sam, especially when she finds Adrian still in bed, trapped in her clutches. She's well aware of her tendency to latch onto him in her sleep but usually during the weekdays at least, he'd manage to break free at the sound of his alarm and get started on his morning routines. Unlike Sam, Adrian's one of those people-the kind that gets up on the first call of the alarm, sometimes even a few minutes before it goes off-unlike her, who like some teenager gets through four snooze button pressings before begrudgingly getting up. So she has to be a little concerned when someone like that, sleeps in.
"'re going to be late," she groggily says sitting up and nudging his bare chest with one hand.
Her breath catches and heart thunders as she watches him unknowingly flex his thick bicep to rub his face with one large hand. His 2 day stubble, ruffled dark strands and tanned skin give him an almost Mediterranean look, but when he blinks those sparkling clear blue eyes at her-he looks unearthly.
A slow grin captures his dusty pink lips and Sam has to try telling her heart to calm down before it goes into cardiac arrest. Even days after waking up to him and she can't believe how sexy one man can look so early in the morning.
So captivated by him, she's taken by shock when one of his hands at her lower back jolts her forwards. With a gasp, she falls onto his chest with palms splayed over his silk hard chest muscles and her own hair forming a curtain either side of their faces.

One of his hands run down to the top of the curve of her glorious ass, as the others cups her cheek. Her cinnamon puppy dog eyes widen as a wide smile takes over her features. She looks beautiful, so beautiful and he's the lucky bastard to have her.
"We've both been so busy and I think we deserve at least one day to ourselves," he says trying to entice her further into the plan by rubbing tiny circles at her ear.
She tisks lightly as a soft giggle escapes her lush lips, "oh dear, Adrian Carter are you suggesting we skive work?"
Adrian pulls her further down and plants gentle chaste kisses at her jaw line.
"I may be..."
"You are a bad influence on me, you know that?" she rhetorically teases, fingers sliding along his chiselled torso and fingers stroking his coarse silky black hair there.
"I never claimed to be virtuous, sweetheart," he growls back with more kisses.
"Okay, okay," laughs Sam pulling back, "let me call the Chief before you start making any big plans."

As he's in the shower, Sam does a few fake coughs before dialling up the Chief.
"Mornin' Chief," she meekly says, "it's Sam."
"Uh-huh. What is it, Torres?" he asks in a bored tone.
"I need today off," she requests.
"Oh really? And why exactly do you 'need' today off, Deputy?"
"Um..I-I need a...personal day?" she unsurely says.
The Chief laughs and she flushes red at being caught out. She goes to reply when Adrian comes out of the bathroom wearing just the a small white towel tied low at his hips. A wicked smile overcomes his features and Sam knows that there is no way she's going into work today come what may.
"Thanks Chief, got to go," she numbly replies ending the call before he can protest or demand her ass into the station. Dropping the phone onto the side, she kneels up onto the bed, mind set on only one thing.
"Come here, sexy," she huskily commands cocking her index finger and flinging off the night shirt from her heated body.

Sam knows as well as he does that this morning's frolicking and bountiful orgasms courtesy of Adrian is because of his guilty conscience from last night, but she takes advantage of it. After all, which straight, red-blooded woman in her right mind would say no to a gorgeous willing man, skilfully pleasuring her with his mouth? However at last, she her neglected stomach made it apparent that they are yet to have breakfast.
Wearing only her plaid night shirt (minus the underwear thanks to a certain feisty mate) she pours the ready-mix pancake batter onto the hot pan.
Large warm palms rest at her hips while she flips the mouth-watering  food.
"Sweetheart I really sorry about yesterday," he exhales tracing his lips against the smooth column of her throat.
"Ade, baby, I know. Everyone forgets, it's okay, it was an honest mistake and we both know you were trying to make it up to me this morning. So consider yourself forgiven," she comforts plating up the cooked pancake before pouring another.
Then as an afterthought adds lightly, "but I know you won't do it again, because if you do you'll be sleeping in the hallway...outside the apartment."
Adrian just chuckles, wisely choosing not to argue against the threat, "Sam, I never wanted to worry you-"
"Adrian. I am always going to worry about you. That's what happens you love someone," she states with finality.
His grip tightens slightly at her hips and she has a split second of confusion as to why before suddenly realisation as to just what she's let slip settles on her.
Panic rises inside her but as she scrambles to try find the words to say, he's already backed up a few paces but the physical distance is nothing compared to the psychological one Sam's feeling.
 Slowly she spins around, squaring her shoulders and holding her head high; she knows the words and meanings frighten him but she'll be damned if she denies it. It's how she feels and he's just going to have to accept it.
"Adrian...I love you," she firmly announces. God, she'd never thought she'd be declaring something like that so forcefully; perhaps it's because of the many chick-flicks that have brain washed her but Sam had always thought the words would be echoed immediately back at her and she knows in her mind not to expect that from Adrian however her heart still pangs with melancholy.
"Sam...I don't know what you expect me to say," he murmurs in confusion and panic. Of course he likes her and he cares for her but love? Shit. It's like Zara all over again, expect when Zara announced it she immediately retracted it but the words were already out there. Things hadn't been the same. Just like now.
"Nothing, Adrian, I expect nothing," she sighs trying to stop any spite being injected into those words. It's not his fault, she keeps chanting to her heavy heart; it's not his fault if he doesn't feel the same.
"Is this how it's going to be? Are you going to hold it against me that you feel...that way and I don't?" he replies in astonishment. He really hadn't expected her to be one of those women. She knew from the start that he doesn't believe in the concept of loving a stranger like so and yet here she is pushing for a fabricated fake declaration from him.  
Sam spins back to face the hob and drops her shoulders in defeat as she lets out a small frustrated groan.
"No, of course not. You''re entitled to your own opinions and feelings. I just...I wanted to let you know where I stand, that's all," she stiffly responds. Except that's not all, concludes Adrian. He can sense from her tone that there's more to this and this time with Sam, he's not willing to overlook or just ignore it.
"That's not all but we can talk after breakfast. I still need some time to think."

Breakfast is quiet with Adrian lost in his thoughts and Sam nervously nibbling at the rubber tasting pancake. Well actually, no, the pancake's taste fine even doused in maple syrup but Sam's taste-buds feel too numb to even bother acknowledging the suckle sweet taste.
Finally, Ade can't take it anymore; watching her just push around the piece of food while chewing on her bottom lip is driving him crazy. The clang of his fork dropping onto the ceramic plate catches her attention and her chocolate brown eyes snap up to his in surprise.
"How do you know Sam?" he asks. Confusion clouds her features as she places her own utensils down.
"Know what?"
"How do you know you're in love with me?" he elaborates. What even is love? What is the difference between 'love' and caring very strongly for someone? Where is the line on that? And besides how does she know it's love? Maybe she's just getting used to him, adjusted.
"Because pop songs finally make sense," she dryly smiles trying to inject some humour into the situation. It clearly doesn't work though when Adrian just sits there expectantly. Sighing, Sam grapples for words to try and explain how she feels.
"Because...because you're always on my mind. The first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Being with you makes me...happy. Look I don't-I don't know exactly how to explain it. You mean a lot to me, Ade-"
"Yes but how do you know that it's love and not just...comfortableness? Or familiarity?"
"...When you know. Adrian, you look at it all so analytically but you just can't do that with love. It's pointless because when you feel it, when you know-it's indescribable," taking a pause, she breathes out a sigh and smiles softly at him, "I didn't say 'I love you' to emotionally blackmail you or anything like that. It slipped out and I can't and won't take it back. It doesn't matter to me that you don't feel the same yet because you will one day."
The corners of his lips rise at the sight of her teasing bright grin.
"Oh is that right?"
"Yup," she pops confidently.
"Care to place a wager on that?"
"Sure," she shrugs. It doesn't matter how long it's going to take, she will make him fall in love or rather he will do it himself, unknowingly.
Adrian holds out his arm, inviting her in. Unable to refuse, Sam hops off her stool and slinks towards him, standing between his legs and resting her arms on his wide shoulders.
"What would you like?"
Sam pretends to mull it over, "well I already have one day of you agreeing to be my slave...what else do I want? Hmm....Alright, if I win and you do fall in love with me, we can go anywhere in the world but I want you all to myself for at least a week."
Adrian's smile widens liking her possessiveness. To have her all to himself for a week does sound like a dream. And the things they could do in that week...Oh God, she won't be able to walk straight for another week. One of his hands wrap around her hips as the forefinger of the other hand grazes at the skin above the top button of her shirt.
"And if I win-"
"You won't," she retorts.
"If I do, then..."
He pops open a button whilst gazing at her under his thick lashes, "I want you naked except for a pair of heels and your collar, whenever we're alone."
She can't help but giggle slightly as own hands explore down his bare chest to the tops of his sweat pants.
"Too bad that won't be happening, baby."
He jolts her onto his lap as she gasps loudly in shock.
"Not even once, Princess...for me?" he requests grounding her hips onto his.
Her lips part into a perfect tiny oval as she gasps again quietly and her fingers dig into his shoulders.
"Maybe...maybe if you ask nicely," she teases breathlessly as his hands slip under her shirt and hips grind against the rising tent in his pants.
Ade can't help but laugh at that. Of course, she'd throw his words back at him.
"As I recall Princess, you owe me. A letter of apology in particular actually," he grins, his lips grazing at her neck while his fingers taunt her erect nípples.
"Ah, but what about the dishes?" she retorts knowing a neat freak like him wouldn't allow them to just be left on the countertop. True to his nature, he manages to slowly untangle his limbs from her and allows her to slide off his lap so they can clean up. 

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