Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

After long hard weekdays, Saturday is the one day a week Sam usually allows herself to laze about and that includes waking up well into midday. Except this Saturday. Aware of the tormenting ordeal before her, she begrudgingly steals away a few more precious minutes in the warm embrace of the bed-sheets and Adrian's arms before sighing and silencing off the vibrating alarm. She slowly peels herself away from her own personal radiator before shuffling into the bathroom.

Only at the pitter-patter spraying of water does Adrian realize that he's not waking up to the usual clinging koala of a woman. Shocked at not having a soft, lush womanly figure pressing to him, his body is quick to protest. His head snaps up and gazes around the room, landing firmly at the light radiating from the crack of the door frame to the bathroom. Assured that the water spray is from the shower he assumes his mate to be the one operating it but at such a early time in the morning, he's oblivious as to why. Heck, even the sun's not made an appearance yet! But for some reason his usual sleep loving girlfriend is up and at it. Debating whether or not to disrupt her shower, he's soon relieved of the decision when she tiptoes through into the dark room, bound in only a fluffy white towel.

“Sam? What the hell are you doing up so early?” he whispers with disbelief through the darkness.
“Hmm? Oh just getting ready,” she distractedly replies, clumsily wandering around the room before she then finds the light switch and floods the place with blinding brightness.
Adrian groans at the sudden light, blinking to adjust before glaring at his mate who stands there with a non-apologetic expression.
“Ready? But we have hours yet,” he scowls reminding her the deal was to leave at 9.30 in order to make it for lunch at her family's house.
She just rolls her eyes before replying, “I know that. But I need to get ready. So go sleep on the couch if you want, but I need to get-”
“Ready. Yes, I gathered,” he spits hotly, grabbing his pillow and clutching at the comforter before departing the room to settle into the not-as-comfortable couch. Letting out a short curse at his woman's absurdity, he catches up on a few more hours of much needed sleep.

Meanwhile, Sam flicks on the hairdryer and heats up the borrowed straighteners, while reaching from the list of things she needs to do. It's long since a lot of grooming is required- hardly surprising considering she doesn't bother to do much more than the basics, however it seems it's all now catching up to her. Letting out a short sigh, she gets right on the first struggle of the morning-her hair.

Hours later and Adrian pulls on his light tan corded trousers, huffing in anger at having to dress in the lounge. When Sam had handed him his 'approved' outfit whilst leaning against the door he'd been too stunned to just steamroll his way in and demand usage of his own goddamn room!
Instead she'd flicked on the lock and told him that he would only get in her way. Still fuming, he buttons up the checked green shirt before pulling over the cream v-neck. Even worse is that she'd picked his outfit out for him, right down to his fucking socks. And although it's not too bad, it's usually the kind of thing he would wear to the country club, not to meet parents. Although...truthfully he wouldn't know what to wear to meet parents. Not since high-school when it had been his best jeans and an unstained shirt.
Despite his outrage, he knocks lightly on the door and when she opens, he silently hands forth the toasted bagel spread lavishly with cream cheese and the steaming cup of coffee. Her eyes spark in delight and she rewards him with a grateful smile as thank you before taking it into her dungeon.

“What the...fuck?” exhales Adrian when Sam finally emerges from the bedroom just as they're about to leave.

He has no idea who the woman that's striding towards him is in her four inch satin pink heels but it certainly is not the woman he went to bed with last night. She looks beautiful-she is beautiful, so there's no way she could ever look anything but beautiful; except this beauty is different.

The thing he cherishes the most about Sam-his Sam's- beauty is that it's pure, wild, untamed prowess-from her uninhabited, unapologetic curls to her wide bright fierce eyes and lush plump lips.
This Sam-this woman before him-however is nothing like that. Her hair is so...subdued, flat. Sure it's puffed at the crown and pulled back into some half up-do but it's all styled like that. Then there's the fact that she's worn more make up than usual to play down the largeness of her eyes and the fullness of her lips, which are painted in a soft caramel nude color to match her skin tone and something he instantly despises. He'd much rather the shocking red, she so favors to this. Next is the question of her dress. The dress that again, is yes, pretty but just not her. It's a blush pink, chiffon concoction that flutters just above her knees and crosses over one-shoulder, also with a belt across her waist of the same material. It's so plain, so boring, so...refined.
Before meeting her, refined had been a quality on Adrian's list but since seeing her unapologetic boldness that had magnetized him, refined was double crossed through.

“What do you think? Sophisticated enough?” lightly questions Sam, secretly pleased by Adrian's response. The further she is from her usual self, the better. She gives a small,careful twirl on her mid-high heels, loving the way the material feels against her freshly shaved legs before awaiting Adrian for his answer.
“I...Why?” he questions astonished. While a part of him is still in disbelief, another is in confusion and another in fury.
“Because I wanted to,” snaps Sam, her bubble burst.
“That doesn't explain-”
“Let's just go,” she sighs with annoyance shrugging into the light cardigan and grabbing a handful of gifts. Adrian goes to question the expensive chocolates and wine but as she breezes past him out of the apartment, the words die on his lips.

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