Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Oh how the other half live, bitterly thinks Sammie as she gives a short sigh whilst staring up at the fancy apartment complex. It looks like the Ritz or something, but of course, she should have expected it with Adrian Carter. That doesn’t make the place any less daunting to step into. A rush of panic courses through her as she wonders if they’ll even let her in?! Well no time like the present, she decides taking the leap of faith and striding up the steps to the entrance of the building.
To her relief, the doorman tips his head to her in welcome and opens up the door. With a small sigh of relief, she makes her way through the lobby of the ground floor. Slap bang in the middle stands some weird golden coated abstract statue and around the edges are paintings which Sam supposes must be considered ‘art’. With little knowledge of art, Sam can only find them a waste of space and probably the thousands of dollars they cost as well. Above her bright LED lights blind her and she struggles to spot the elevator sign engraved into some gold covered plate. Safely stepping inside the compartment, she realises with a start that even the fucking elevator is high class with its full length glass mirror, the gold bar running all the way around and the man inside dressed in a uniform pressing a button for her. Sam wants to scream at the absurdity of such a job but she keeps her mouth shut and waits as they defy gravity while classical music softly fills the air.

 After what seems like hours, Sam finally steps out into the hallway of the 38th floor she notices that there’s only four apartments on the entire floor, which to her just seems crazy. If it were her apartment block there’d be at least 10 each side, so 20 in total. With another shake of her head, Sam knocks on the door of the apartment number she’d been told and waits with anticipation.

Questions stream through her mind regarding the appearance of his house. Would it be neat? Clean? Or messy? Or would be it be somewhere in the middle like hers? What about his furniture? Sammie can imagine he’d be the kind of person to have everything made of glass and steel. If it has to be between them, she hopes it’ll be steel because she knows that if she so much as even looks at glass, it’ll probably break.
“Sam. Come on in.”
And in that moment, all of Sam’s thoughts cease. Were she a cartoon character she’s pretty sure her mouth would be on the ground now and her eyes bugging out. He looks so fucking good. This latest outfit of his tops the charts for sure. Sam’s always found a guy in a laid back outfit attractive, who doesn’t, but she’d never expected it from Adrian. In fact, she could just imagine him sleeping in his stupid, stuffy suits. And she’s pretty sure those blue jeans he wore for their date is his only pair. Never in a million years would she have guessed him to even own a pair of sweatpants, never-mind actually wearing them. But damn does he wear them well. The black A&F sweatpants are hung low (but not ridiculously low like some of the kids she’s seen wearing them these days) and is paired with a flimsy, plain grey cotton t-shirt. His feet are bare and for the first time since meeting him, his hair is messy and unkempt. Oddly enough Sam finds it kinda hot. Great, she thinks to herself. How the hell is she going to manage to have a sex talk with him when he looks like fucking sex on legs?!

As she follows him through the white walled hallway with landscape artwork hung around, she can feel her heart thumping loud in her chest, warning her that this is not a good idea. Her brain fights back, urging her not to be so ridiculous and that this is necessary. With this internal debate of anxiety gnawing at her insides, she almost crashes into Ade’s back when he stops at the living room to offer her a seat on the couch. Sam gazes up at him startled and wordlessly eases onto the black leather couch. As he asks for a drink she nods dumbly and mumbles a reply which she’s pretty sure was coffee, but truthfully she’s not quite sure. Thankfully he moves to the open plan kitchen to make their drinks, which gives Sam some much needed breathing time. As she rearranges her composure she glances around the room.

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