Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

His face reveals nothing but his eyes take more than their fill of the beautiful woman gliding towards him. Bright blue orbs soak every small bounce of firm round breasts, they swerve around her wide curves and they crinkle with joy at her smile. God he misses this. Misses the pleasure and adoration that fills his submissives as they willingly kneel for him or accept their punishment or even when they just cuddle afterwards.
Sam’s own eyes are roaming his deliciously sculpted torso with its plentiful scattering of wispy black curls, gaining more concentrated into a line down the middle of his abdominals. 

“Kneel pet,” he gently instructs her and with that she lowers to her knees. Her legs spreading hip-width apart and her hands crossing behind her as he’d established in their rules. Lowering her head she resists the urge to gaze up and instead focuses on the stark white tiles below.
She sees his knees bending and coming into her line of vision as she hears his soft breath. His fingers lift her chin up and she gazes up at him as he holds a long piece of velvet with buckles on one end-the collar.

“Shall I put it on, Princess?” he asks giving her one final option to stop now and back out. But she just smiles at him with those big brown eyes and nods.

Lifting up her hair, Sam allows Ade to buckle the thing around her neck. As he sits back, he can’t help but admire how right it looks on her. This special one, is made of black velvet with his name threaded in golden thread and although that doesn’t make it very special, it is the one that his father presented him on his 21st birthday, making him promise to only allow his mate to wear it.
He had pushed it to the very back of his closet hoping that if he could place it out of sight, he could place it out of mind but that hadn’t been the case.  Breaking up with Zara had really impacted his confidence not just as a boyfriend but also as a Master. He thought he'd never find his mate let alone have one worthy of the collar. However Sam...Sam is more than worthy.
With her now knelt so obediently in front of him with his collar around her neck, he feels all his confidence returning. With that in mind, he stands instructing his Sub to stay.

Getting the rope out, he clears the bed of the pillows-tossing them onto the rug, and starts to set up. Tying for knots on each of the bars of the bed, two at the bottom and two at the top, all far apart, he returns back to Sam. Grabbing a fistful of her hair at the roots behind her, he tugs up.

“Stand pet,” he announces still grasping her upwards. She stumbles slightly to a standing position but he keeps his grip strong as he directs her towards the bed.
“Bend over, Princess.”
Fingertips gently stroke the smooth stretched flesh, leading into the lace strips of material. He glides them down, all of it, all the way down to her ankles.
“All off. Even shoes,” he demands stepping back to allow her to take it all off. As beautiful as the material is on her, he wants to feel and see that smooth skin. 
With it all off his hands find her plump ass again, relishing in the feeling of those powerful balls of muscle. His mouth is instantly drawn to it; his teeth latching on and after the sharp squeal from his victim subsides into squirms, he let’s go. Perfect red bite marks in the sharp of a vicious love heart remain on her left cheek. With a grin he gives her a playful pat on the other cheek.

“Sorry pet, I couldn’t resist. Now, onto the bed, lie eagle-spread-that means hands either side of your head up high and legs spread down apart."

Sam’s eyes are wide with astonishment as he firmly ties the rope around her wrists and ankles; though with each limb being strapped down she feels the bubbling sensation of anxiety which quickly simmers again as soon as Adrian glances up with his blue eyes remaining so sure. When the last knot is made at her left ankle, his fingers ghost over her inner thighs, causing the skin to break out into excited goose-bumps while her stomach clenches slightly. However about half way up her thigh, he removes his fingers leaving Sam’s imagination to conjure what could have been if those fingers had met at her open junction.
“I’m going to be right back, Princess. Enjoy the solitude while it lasts because once I’m back, you’re not getting a break,” he states in a low sensual whisper.

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