Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The next morning Sam's only just waking up as Adrian sits on the bed tying his shoes. Huh, guess he'd been right about her being paranoid.

"Where are you going?" she asks sluggishly leaning up onto her elbows.


"Oh right, yeah..." she nods suddenly recalling that.

"Okay, we'll talk arrangements when I get back around noon."

"Yeah sure, whatever," she mutters flopping back down into her cocoon of comfort.

He smiles before leaning down and giving her a soft peck on the lips.

"Good and try not to destroy my apartment in the meantime," he teases causing her to just give him a sarcastic laugh back before snuggling down to get some more shut-eye.

It's certainly late morning when Sam decides to get up and to be using Adrian's apartment with him not being there certainly feels strange. As she drains the last of the coffee, wicked thoughts of snooping around entertain her. She wonders what she'd find. Porn? Probably loads of it but then again, with it being him he probably wouldn't bother to hide it. In fact, Sam can't imagine what he would have that would be embarrassing and that he'd need to hide away. She knows within her own bedroom her one and only vibrator is buried deep in her underwear drawer. But she's practically seen all of his toys so what more is there?

Come on, Sam, that's just a waste of time, she tells herself; shaking the notions from her head Sam picks up her phone and dials her landlord.

An hour and after a lot of arguing and shouting, she finds herself homeless. The ass had never wanted her to move in in the first place but left with no other option he'd reluctantly let her rent it out. However he'd nitpicked everything she'd done and tried to find any excuse to kick her out knowing that his usual clientele of ex-cons wouldn't exactly appreciate living in the same building as a cop; regardless, Sam hadn't given him enough of an excuse to do that until now that is. Frustrated she screams profanities at him as he gives her 3 weeks to get her stuff out.

"Sam?" calls Adrian hearing a frustrated shout ring out in his apartment upon his arrival. He definitely hadn't expected that kind of welcome and he hopes never to as well.

"Oh hey, how was brunch?"

"Fine...what's going on?" he asks confused. Her cheeks are flushed red, the flames in her eyes simmering down and still wearing only a long t-shirt, Adrian can't help but the blood flow travelling straight down to his pants. God, he'd take her right now on the kitchen countertop if she's up for it.

"My dìck of a landlord is kicking me out. God...he is such as ass-"

"Okay, okay, Princess breathe," he calmly states taking her by the shoulders and trying to fight a grin. Looks like despite her efforts fate is really on his side and they're going to be moving in together soon than she'd hoped.

"Ade...what am I going to do?" she asks in such a helpless adorable voice that his metaphorical masculine feathers can't help but puff up at that.

"You know what you could do...You know that offer still stands for you," he replies begging her with his eyes to cave in.

Sam bites her lip and looks away.

She then sighs knowing she has no other option. She could always ask Hanna but she's not sure she'll get much sleep at Hanna's and besides she doesn't want to impose on her. But Adrian...he's offering so it's only sensible to take it. However what if something happens further down the line and she needs to leave fast...she can't exactly do that if she's living with him can she?

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