Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Adrian slowly gains consciousness with the feeling of a weight pressing down on his chest. As he blinks away the drowsiness he realises it’s Sam who’s the weight. Her head’s snuggled into his chest, her arm wrapped around his midriff, clutching him tight like he’s some kind of teddy bear and she’s the toddler. It makes him chuckle slightly at the comparison; while Sam may sometimes act like a toddler, he definitely is no teddy bear. The vibrations from his chest, causes her to stir slightly and grumble under her breath. That just amuses Ade even more but he manages to repress his chuckles and glance down to the rest of her. 

Fuck, she’s so damn sexy.
The sheets were pushed to her feet, her ass so deliciously temptingly in his view. The plump muscle encased enticingly in white lace, giving some misguided illusion of innocence. Oh his little temptress is anything but innocent.
For the first time in a long time, Adrian has a boner after spending the night with a girl. And although he may not have slept with Sam, he’s sure that even if he had, he would still be in this same situation.
He pushes away a curly tendril of blondish brown hair from her cheek. How does no-make up make her even more beautiful? Ade had always thought that to be a myth. A silly tale that married men say to appease their wives.

“What time is it?” ask Sam her eyes still closed.
Ade glances across at the digital clock and repeats the numbers to her.
“7.10?! Are you kidding me? Go back to sleep, bright eyes,” she grumbles with annoyance. Who the hell wakes up at 7.10 on a free weekend?!
“And waste precious day-time? No.”
“I wouldn’t call a lie-in a waste,” retorts Sam shifting away from him as she feels his body starting to rise up. He sits with his back lent against the bed’s backboard and smiles down to his mate who’s small annoyed frown placates into one of calm. Ade reaches out for his laptop, perched habitually near him. It’s fired up and soon enough he’s checking his many emails. A few responses to emails turn to checking of spreadsheets and profit margins. Ade immediately gets absorbed into his work, loosing track of time.

Sam however doesn’t. Half an hour later and she can still hearing the annoying clicking of keyboard letters. For fuck’s sake, she thinks, how addicted to work is he? Does he even know what a break is? Dates not accounted for. that’s just what he’s getting, whether he likes it or not.

Sam sits up beside him, leaning into his side and inspecting his work. The screen shows some sort of spreadsheet, highlighted in greens, reds and yellows with numbers here and there. Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion as Adrian inputs some sort of formula into one of the cells.
“Is it all saved?” she asks to which he nods with eyes still fixated on the screen.
Suddenly with a wicked grin her finger presses the power button on the machine, causing it to whir in preparation for shut down.

“What?...Sam!” growls Adrian, making a dart towards her, however she pulls back just in time. The movement causes the laptop to tip and almost fall vicariously onto the floor. Placing it on the desk, gives Sam enough time to escape from the tangle of bed sheets and rush out of the bedroom with Adrian hot on her heels.

Sam laughs as she gazes rounds the coffee table and grins at him. He turns with a smug smirk.
“Where to now, darling?” he murmurs seeing her cornered with no chance of escape. As he slowly stalks around the table, Sam does the same, ensuring they’re facing opposite each other.
“Come on, Ade, I was you a reality check,” she teases shifting side to side only to have him imitate her. Knowing this game could go on for hours if she let it, Sam makes a bold dash for it only to have him react instantly.
His thick arms are like steel bands that coil to crash her back to his muscular chest.
“I’ll give you a reality check,” he growls in her ear, pulling her backwards with him as he enters the bedroom. Sam laughs; her attempts to resist him futile since she knows that he overpowers her.

He flips her around as he pins her against the wall. Her wrists are encased in one of his hands and held above her head. She wriggles against his hold only to stop as his lips descend fiercely onto hers. The tango of their tongues is almost instinctive. Their bodies moulding together like jigsaw pieces. Adrian’s hand releases Sam’s, favouring to grasp at the thick flesh of her thighs and hoist her up. The sharp intake of her breath causes his lips to smile against her while she locks her legs around his hips. Any doubt of him not sporting an erecting now is rendered invalid and Sam can attest for that.
The hard steel rod pressing between her legs generates a soaring red heat that flows smoothly through every pore, every cell in her.
“Adrian,” she breathes as he breaks his lips from hers and trails them down the column of her neck.
Ensuring his grip on her is firm he pries her from the wall and instead lets her fall onto the softness of the bed.

His fingers explore under her loose top, sliding up to cup her soft, firm mounds. They fit so perfectly in his hands, her large, hard nipples spearing into his rough palms.  His thumbs flicker over the pebbles before twirling them between his thumb and forefinger. As he gently twists, soft mewls fill the room. He twists harder only for her to gasp loudly.

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