PT. 14

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Simpson took the phone off his face and just starred at it. The question from his brother startled him. The same natural high feeling he would get when he was about to rape someone, was the same feeling he had at the moment listening to Eazy. He quickly panic playing it off smooth by responding.....

"Bruh....are you there.....Bro? Bro!" Hanging the phone up on purpose biting his nails.

He immediately turned his phone off and started biting even harder in nervousness. Eazy looked down at the phone and shook his head. Something just wasnt right to him. He attempted to dial his number again but quickly hung up and decided not to.

"Yo bartender one more shot of Henny!" Asked Eazy

The bartender looked at him, giving him his tenth shot....

"Are you OK sir...looks like some bothering you baby!"

The bartender asked as she passed him his shot....

Eazy took the shot down before answering. He grabbed his wallet out his back pocket and threw a 50 dollar bill on the counter top....

"Yea I'm good ma'am....just thinking about something stupid."

The young white girl looked at him....

"Whatever it is sir....please dont do nothing stupid. Life too short to be looking like u about to plan a murder or something."

Eazy instantly gave her that look, eventually snapping out of his daze, thinking about Christina's situation. Instead of replying, he just walked out the bar and got in his car.

Driving down the road he turned the radio on sky high to cover up his yelling outbursts....

[Prince] R&B station....

"I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted to one time to see you laughing
I only wanted to see you
Laughing in the purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you
Bathing in the purple rain

I never wanted to be your weekend lover
I only wanted to be some kind of friend
Baby, I could never steal you from another
It's such a shame our friendship had to end

Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
Purple rain, purple rain
I only wanted to see you"

Suddenly he turned off his Pandora and just took a deep breath. Followed by his phone ringing. It was his wife Cathy....well at least that what he thought.

Eazy quickly answered...


All Eazy could hear was his brother yelling at his ex wife. What Simpson didn't know was that he pocket dialed his brother by mistake off Cathy's phone.

Eazy looked at the phone to make sure he did call the right number. All he could hear was Simpson hurting her....


Immediately turning his car around.....

Some Eazy also didn't know was the girl who served him the drinks knew something. Something he thought nobody knew......

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