Bonus Chapter: Chapter 19.5

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Chapter 19.5:

"Are you sure this will work? I mean how will changing you guys into zombies distract Rachel?" Clay asked.

"No I get it. It's like when we were at Allison's house. If we weren't dressed as zombies, we wouldn't have gotten the same result as we would have with the zombie makeup. Since Rachel's probably only like 8 years old, it'll be easier to scare her, and since she's focusing on our faces, and not our attacks, her guard will be down. The only thing I'm worried about it whether Ellie's zombie effects are as good as Fiona's," Connor replied, as he let Ellie brush eyeshadow on his eyelids. I was listening to their conversation while I changed back into my ripped dress. When I was done, I sat on top of the dresser, waiting for my turn. "Don't worry about it. From this picture, I think I have a pretty good idea of the amount of makeup she used." I had lent her the pictures of Connor and I in the photo booth. "So what do I have to do again?" Clay asked, as his hand rested on the doorknob of our dressing room. I sighed, and jumped down from the table. "Just go out there and try to knock out one of the ninjas so you can steal their clothes. We need Rachel to think that this is real, so we need you to be a ninja and fight Connor so that Connor can win and Rachel will think that it's real. Got it?"

"Yeah, but what if I get caught?"

"If you get caught, then tell Rachel you want to be on her side again. Do ANYTHING to pretend to be on her side. The plan will work best if you knock out a guard. Got it? So try to knock out a guard." He nodded and turned he doorknob. "WAIT!" Bri said almost a little too loud. "Can I have your shirt and blazer? Connor might need it."

"WAIT WHAT? Bri, can we keep his shirt on? Please?" Ellie begged.

"Why? Are you scared? Clay's not that hairy."

"No, it's not that, it's just that he's-" Ellie fell to the floor. I looked back at Clay. He had taken his ripped shirt and blazer off. "Wow. I didn't think that anyone would ACTUALLY faint."

"I'm not surprised," Clay said smugly as he opened the door again.

"Shut up."

"You know you love me, Allison," I heard him say as he left.

I closed the door again, and threw the clothes to the re-zombie-fied Connor. "DON'T WORRY, PEOPLE, I'M OKAY," Ellie announced as I helped her up from the floor. "Allison, I don't think that this is going to fit me... it's a little too small," Connor complained. "No problem, give me your blazer and shirt too." Connor stripped and Ellie collapsed again. "Okay, now that's just getting weird," I admitted as I sat down in the make-up chair. "So why exactly are you and Connor the zombies. Why couldn't I be a zombie?"

"First of all because the three of us practiced being zombies. Secondly, because you were a zombie last time. And lastly, because we need Rachel to think that we aren't afraid to turn on our friends." Connor gave me his clothes and I lit them up. Holes started forming in the fabric. I stopped the fire, and Connor's outfit was ruined perfectly. Connor put his clothes back on and waited by the door. "Wow, Ellie. This make-up job is actually better than Fiona's!" I exclaimed, quite in awe of her work on Connor. "Oh, thanks. I was thinking of studying cosmetology. I actually enjoy adding a little gore to my projects." She added the white contacts to my eyes, and started adding a little more eye shadow. There were 20 minutes left until we had to get back to the arena. It only took 5 of those 20 for Ellie to finish my makeup. She started applying latex to her neck. This was it. In 20 minutes, we were either going to live or die.

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